Google Searches For “Maternity Clothes” Plummeted Since The Vaccine Rollout

Google Searches For “Maternity Clothes” Plummeted Since The Vaccine RolloutMark Patricks – Remember when the media fretted about how we were going to have a baby boom during the lockdowns? The reasoning was that because people were forced to stay indoors to avoid COVID, everyone would get frisky and we’d see a big baby boom in about January or February of 2021.

The baby boom never materialized. In fact, ever since the COVID shots were rolled out, we’ve been experiencing the opposite. And the government keeps insisting on lying to everyone about it. Continue reading

In France: Court Rules For Insurance Company And Against The …

coronavirus insuranceJoseph P Farrell – This one’s a whopper doozie, and it was spotted and sent in by L.G.L.R.:

Suicide? How Some Life Insurance Companies Are Dealing With Experimental Vaccines Deaths

I and many others have been arguing, almost since the inception of the covid planscamdemic, that sooner or later the narrative would fall apart, and be revealed for the vast fraud and human experimentation project that it was and is.

As it turns out, life insurance and the companies offering it may be in the forefront of ruining the narrative, and exposing the fraud.  And correct me if I’m wrong, but does not fraud remove liability protections from companies? Continue reading