Global CV19 Vax Absolute Insanity [Video]

Dr. Ryan ColeGreg Hunter – Board-certified pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole has treated more than 500,000 patients, and he is an expert in postmortem examination.  Dr. Cole has a long resume, including a five-year stint at the Mayo Clinic.

Dr. Cole was one of the very first doctors to come out and question the entire Covid19 narrative and the extreme push for CV19 vaccine injections for all.  He has been attacked relentlessly and lost half his medical diagnostic business, but he’s still fighting and telling the truth about the huge lies and deadly mistakes by the medical establishment, especially when pushing the CV19 injections.

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CV19 Vax Causing Extreme Disease [Video]

coronavirus scamdemicGreg Hunter – Dr. Elizabeth (Betsy) Eads is back to update us from the frontlines of medicine and the growing problems of CV19 vax induced AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome).   Dr. Eads is treating patients who have been injected with the experimental CV19 so-called “vaccines,” and new data is showing the injections are causing the explosion of many types of extreme disease.

We start with a recent patient Dr. Eads has that got her CV19 booster, and not long after that got cancer.  Dr. Eads says, “I basically told her this is most likely vaccine induced cancer.  We know cancers are up, according to Dr. Ryan Cole and several other pathologists . . . They are up close to  2,000%. . . . I told her to find an oncologist . . . who is awake to those types of aggressive cancers.  I am seeing a lot of unusual cancers, and so is Dr. Ryan Cole.” Continue reading

They Know The Vaccines Are Killing People & Don’t Care

vaccineMark Patricks – A whistleblower employed by the US Department of Health & Human Services has finally confirmed what most of us have been suspecting since February: The COVID vaccines are far more dangerous than officials are telling us; those same officials know that the vaccines are harming people and not working as advertised; and they simply don’t care.

The whistleblower – a Registered Nurse with a master’s degree – decided to come forward at last after the vaccine killed one of her colleagues on August 28th, after that colleague had been coerced into taking the vaccine under threat of losing her job. Her report on what is actually happening in health facilities in regard to the vaccine is incredibly damning. Continue reading

Former Pfizer VP: They’re Going to Kill You and Your Family [Video]

Michael Yeadon, CV19 vaccinesAlexandra Bruce – Like some other Catholic publishers, such as The RemnantLife Site News has been putting out some of the most vital and important information during this Unrestricted World War that we are now in.

In a recent Life Site News interview by Patrick Delaney, former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory, Dr Michael Yeadon, who just retired told him point-blank, “Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death.”

And why would the government be lying about something so fundamental? “Because, I think the answer is, they are going to kill you using this method. They’re going to kill you and your family.” Continue reading

It Is Time To Remember

vaccinesJames Gilliland – We are going to take another trip in the wayback machine to refresh the memories of those who are critically thinking, research impaired suffering from acute denial and cognitive dissonance. When the big chemical companies brought out DDT despite the warnings and sprayed it on everything including the children the “authorities’ said it was safe, a miracle solution nothing to worry about.

They created nuclear energy as the new clean energy, ignited nuclear bombs without even knowing the consequences telling us just get under the desk and put newspapers on us to protect from fallout. Now the planet is riddled with nuclear dump sites, ticking time bombs. We even pay the people responsible billions to clean up their own mess of which they have failed miserably. Continue reading