An Important Turn

cycleKate Spreckley – It’s another powerful week as we move through the Solstice and towards this month’s Full Moon. Today we are standing within the Solstice gateway where a new cycle of our growth is being initiated. Life is taking an important turn but before we step forward and into this new cycle, a deep cleansing process must take place.

As such, the incoming energies are moving to purge us of the past and the long held deeply hidden patterns which continue to keep us stuck. Continue reading

A First Quarter Moon of Restriction and Redemption

cycleHenry Seltzer – Friday’s First Quarter Moon in Gemini echoes many of the themes of the recent and quite powerful New Moon eclipse configuration from one week ago. Moreover, this lunar phase represents a natural growth process from the timing of the New Moon energy, a “crisis of action” as seminal 20th century astrologer Dane Rudhyar chose to express it.

In this opening or waxing square between Sun and Moon, we are coming to some inescapable conclusions concerning the viability of the ideals and visions with which we began the current cycle, reconciling to compromise in some cases, and to a radical revisioning of that original impulse in others, as we contend with coming down to a better grip on the true reality of the situation.

Interestingly, as we do this, we are echoing a far greater and more consequential cycle that is currently with us right to the end of the decade, namely the waxing square alignment between Uranus and Pluto. This similar stage of Uranus-Pluto, referring to the cycle of change that originated in the tumultuous 1960s, when Uranus and Pluto were in conjunction, is very much enhanced by the configurations of the latter half of February.

We as a culture are now attempting to discern whether the fanciful ideals of peace and love stemming from that time are in fact viable as a way of working things out with one another.

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The Sun in Leo – Moving from Tension to Flow

cycleSimon Vorster & Jennifer Langstone – Supported by Mars in Leo, Monday’s New Moon in Leo initiated a very powerful energetic cycle that is bringing matters of the heart to fore this month, as the primary focus of our lives. In fact this month’s astrological transits are summarising and reflecting the many heart-lessons we have learned from the past 6 months of inner work — a period which began with February’s total lunar eclipse in Leo, which felt very much like a total eclipse of the heart as we became painfully aware of the lack of love in our world as well as ourselves — and was followed by the shift of the North/South Nodal Axis into Aquarius/Leo, bringing all of our hidden traumas to the forefront of our lives for integration and healing.

Now, as we move through this current lunar cycle which will climax with a Solar Eclipse on the 21st August, we are given the push (and in many cases, the triggers) we need to get out of our heads and into our hearts. It is time to let go of our fears and inhibitions! To stop delaying life as though it is something to be lived in the future, and to live our hearts desires now, in total trust that we do need to live our plan.

Let’s take a look at the evolutionary intention during this Lunar cycle.

The Sun, Moon and Mars in Leo aspecting Uranus in Aries

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