Freedom, Truth And Raging Against The Machine

DanaMrkich  April 4 2014

Dana MrkichPassionate comments have come through on my last post about Earth shifts, from people who have had enough of the shenanigans occurring on this planet. I liked the comments, and thought I’d share my response here:

Humanity has been stopped from fully experiencing freedom in all its millions of forms. And you are right – When you know and feel and sense what our reality could be (and eventually WILL be) and already is on other planets and planes of existence, the reality here is hellish! For me, it is like a light at the end of the tunnel when I see that more and more people every day have had enough. I know that millions of people today are convinced of things that years ago was considered conspiracy theory. I remember being told 20 years ago I should write science fiction when I told someone what my absolute inner knowing was around government deals with alien technology. Maybe I should have written that science fiction book and reached more ears ha!

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Doing Less Yet Experiencing More

Dana Mrkich   March 19 2014

Dana MrkichInstead of skimming the surface with a hundred things on our to-do list, and not really stopping to smell the roses along the way, it seems that more of us are feeling an urge to go a bit slower,and enjoy the scenery a lot more.

We may be feeling to do fewer things in our week, yet at the same time feeling to immerse more fully in those select things which are important to us, to invest more depth, passion, heart and soul in that which does call and inspire us.

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Stop, Revive, Thrive

DanaMrkich December 23 2013


Visioning the Dream Awake ~ It’s been a challenging year and many of us feel our old roles are over but aren’t yet clear on what new directions we want to head in. We know that we can no longer do anything that doesn’t feel right and are feeling compelled to be true to what our heart and soul really yearns to do, say, create and express.

Venus Retrograde has begun, and is an ideal time to stop, revive, reflect, and then thrive as you re-connect to what you truly value, and to what it is that truly fills you up and nourishes you. From this space we can then nourish others in a healthy way from our closest personal relationships to the relationships we have with those we don’t know but have a connection to daily via our food, clothing, media etc.

I’ll be posting regularly on this theme throughout this 40 day period!

(c) Dana Mrkich 2013

This New Awareness Can Feel Depressing

DanaMrkich  November 26 2013

I can’t remember the last time the collective energy felt so heavy. An analogy came through a week or so ago that we were being ‘squeezified’ in order to become ‘juicified’, and the suggestion was to focus on the juice when you’re feeling emotionally and energetically squeezed. (that post is on my blog here) Well that suggestion applies a hundred fold today!!

You may feel like the walls are closing in on you – and on the world. Some may even feel like the ‘darkness’ is winning or that all your healing work has been for nothing. Yet really it is just that the ‘darkness’ is becoming more obvious, both within us and outside us – ‘darkness’ in this context is that which we have been unaware of.

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The World Is Ready For You Now

Dana Mrkich October 14 2013

consciousnessThe other day I received a lovely response from a client who has beautiful potential for helping others through her gifts of writing and coaching, but has been held back by a few things including lack of confidence, and high integrity, feeling she has no original ideas “What is there that hasn’t already been said’?

There are likely lots of you reading this today who might feel the same and so I wanted to share my reply: The world needs more like you, people with high integrity helping others. Yes it’s all been said before, but it all hasn’t been heard before by those who are seeking. Different people respond to different writers/coaches/teachers/healers etc in different ways, so for every person who feels the call to help or inspire, know that there are people out there waiting to be helped, inspired, encouraged and supported.

This is not about encouraging dependency on those in the ‘personal growth’ business. We are living in times of empowering ourselves, and ideally we must first be encouraged to learn to look within for ‘help’ as our first port of call. However this doesn’t mean we all pull in our ropes and have everyone fend for themselves like some sort of episode of Survivor. In between the two extremes of co-dependence and isolated independence is a healthy inter-dependence where we can all support each other in different ways.

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