Challenges And Obstacles

We ALL go through challenges and obstacles. YOU have a choice on how to react. – Karin Volo

Challenges And ObstaclesKarin Volo – If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I’d want to pass along to others…

Having gone through one of the longest dark night of the soul experiences where I was forcibly separated from my young daughters for almost four years, fighting a complicated legal battle that kept me in a high security jail without the ability to defend myself, I immersed myself in reading to escape the dismal surroundings. Continue reading

Intuitive Astrology: December Solstice

Intuitive Astrology: December SolsticeTanaaz – December 21st marks the Solstice, a time where the Sun ‘stands still’ and the seasons change.

The Solstice also brings the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, where we are encouraged to enter the dark night of the soul, or the longest day of the year in the Southern Hemisphere, where we are encouraged to celebrate the light.

No matter which part of the world you live in, the Solstice is a highly sensitive day when we can feel more in tune with the energies around us. Continue reading

It’s Their Dark Night of the Soul, Not Yours

loveBrenda Hoffman – Today is a day of jubilation, for much has been achieved. In truth, more than you imagined possible before your entry to the earth in this lifetime.

Such is so because you wish to experience new earth.

What is not known is how you will react to new you in this new earth. Doing so is more confusing than you anticipated, for 3D behaviors are at times overlapping your new you needs – and all is happening simultaneously. Continue reading

Awakening The Inner & Outer Goddess Queen

“The outer awakening of the Goddess Queen is a holographic merge with the Cosmic Mother into her crystalline heart and her “toning of the universe”. Like a tuning fork she is sending her instructions to her daughters of Earth to realign us into her heart field.” – Corrina

This is a brief update on some powerful energy upgrades and new potentialities incoming from the cosmic heart. To amplify and integrate these energies the monthly energy transmission and healing call this month will support you to calmly and peacefully anchor the energies. Most of us could use extra support to manage what’s coming in and this is a loving space to receive it!

Goddess Queen Awakening

GoddessRoseHeartOn the edges of the full moon rising, a spider found her way into my bedroom dancing her way thru the moonlight to lay her eggs. She had a message to convey and a new energy transmission of the Goddess Queen. We are now on the precipice of a new opening in the Earth Hive (the Earth’s new Earth grid) that creates space for the archetypal Goddess Queen. She is the feminine power manifested in her physical embodiment. She vibrates the wisdom codes of the Cosmic Mother and agrees to steward her mission in the universe. In newly integrated Mother Rose Points in the Earth Hive, women in resonance with the Cosmic Mother Light Body are awakening to their inner Goddess Queen directive and light.

A Feminine Fury from Darkness to Light

A powerful transformation that requires an accelerated Dark Night of the Soul personally and collectively is underway to activate the Goddess Queen. The manipulated agenda to enslave the feminine wisdom and power on Earth is generating a peaked experience in the collective where the unconscious is becoming conscious. This is provoking a fear response globally to the feminine archetype (warring against “ISIS” is one such example) as well as within. The fear of one’s own feminine power is rising into consciousness as humanity has been programmed to fear the feminine — associating her with the darkness. Continue reading

The Seven Essene Mirrors

Essene | August 20 2012 | Thanks, Annette

Sun reflecting the sun

We live in an action/reaction world known as the Plane of Demonstration where consciousness creates reality. We manifest and magnetize people and events into our lives according to our consciousness.

The Seven Essene Mirrors is a way of understanding how this process works. We can use what seem to be negative experiences as stepping-stones to healing and empowerment. “When life rolls boulders, build stairs.”

FIRST MIRROR reflects to us that which we are. It is something we ourselves are doing or where we ourselves have been in error or wounded.

SECOND MIRROR reflects to us that which we judge. It is something we have an emotional charge with, something we have either been wounded by in the past and have not forgiven. It is good to discern; however if we judge and condemn with an emotional charge, we will attract exactly what we judge into our lives.

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