Reclaiming The Spiritual Symbols That Have Been Hijacked And Used Against Us

“Spiritual symbols are by their nature an intuitive and universal language that can be understood once more. And at this point we have an important choice to make: we can either gain the knowledge of the cosmic principles that these symbols contain, or remain unaware and influenced by those who use this knowledge for dark purposes.” ~A Pritchard

Supermodel Kate Moss looking demonic and posing with an inverted crucifix, whilst dressed as the bride of Christ.
Supermodel Kate Moss looking demonic and posing with an inverted crucifix, whilst dressed as the bride of Christ.

Spiritual symbols are powerful. Beneath the veneer of social norms they are being used in a hidden war. Not only have dark forces propagated the symbols of black magic into millions of unsuspecting homes, but additionally many of the world’s great spiritual symbols of light have been demonized.

For thousands of years forces of darkness have tasked themselves with the aim of destroying spirituality and suppressing consciousness. They have infiltrated spiritual groups, organizations and schools (such as the Freemasons, the Catholic Church etc.); have hijacked their spiritual texts, teachings, symbols and knowledge; and have then shut it away, distorted, destroyed and suppressed it.

What we have been left with is a trail of smeared esoteric knowledge and infiltrated spiritual schools throughout human history, where spiritual symbols of light are given a bad name, inverted and used against us.

All is not what it seems

The way they have used symbols can give a good insight into how those behind the destruction of spirituality do their work. Sometimes they make good seem bad by demonizing and creating negative connotations with good. Sometimes they make bad seem good by glamorizing and glorifying what is bad. And sometimes they hide the bad within the good by working behind and through structures that are good on the surface.

All of this creates a mass of confusion where people who don’t know any better are turned against the knowledge of the light (the very thing that can help them), idolize things of darkness, and devote themselves with the best of intentions to institutions that are not what they seem. It is then a very serious thing to look deeper into the matrix.

Cosmic origins

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