Klaus Schwab Brags About Controlling Western Governments

NWOHumans Are FreeWorld Economic Forum founder and Great Reset architect Klaus Schwab admitted the NGO is able to steer the global agenda because it has successfully penetrated the cabinets of several world governments.

Speaking to political commentator and Bohemian Grove alum David Gergen in 2017 at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Institute of Politics, Schwab described how the WEF’s modus operandi is to penetrate governments by installing its “young global leaders.” Continue reading

David Gergen’s elite connections, his attempt to stop Trump

GergenJon Rappoport – Yes, he works for CNN. He’s operated as “White House adviser” to four presidents: Ford, Nixon, Reagan, and Clinton. That should give you pause.


Because Washington insider David Gergen, currently a CNN political commentator, is also a member of the executive committee of the Trilateral Commission (TC) (see here, here, and here). The TC is one of the most powerful elite groups on the planet. Founded by David Rockefeller in 1973, the TC has been making domestic and foreign policy for America since the Jimmy Carter administration.

Before we get to the significance of Gergen’s TC ties, here is a sprinkling of critical statements about Donald Trump that Gergen made during the presidential race:

“Whatever chance Donald Trump still had of capturing the White House largely evaporated Sunday night in his second debate with Hillary Clinton.” (here)

“Donald Trump’s behavior on stage Thursday night and in the days that have followed strike many as unfathomable: How can anyone act so arrogantly and meanly in public life?” (here)

“[Donald Trump made the 2016 election a] ‘national joke’ [when he guested on The Dr. Oz Show to say he was in good health].” (here)

“[Trump delivered a] ‘slanderous speech’ [against Hillary Clinton, saying she should go to jail].” (here)

“Donald Trump is a walking example of someone who’s dismissive of women. Can you imagine what it’s like for him to think that he might be beaten by a woman? Serves him right.”

David Gergen never writes in depth about his own membership in the elite Rockefeller Trilateral Commission. The TC a) is a Globalist juggernaut, and b) Donald Trump’s attack on Globalism, its trade treaties, and its wholesale theft of US jobs, is in direct opposition to the Trilateral Commission’s aims.

A simple conflict-of-interest statement from Gergen would do. Something like this:

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