The Curious Case of James Wolfe Continues…

James Wolfe
James Wolfe

Sundance – Curious legal developments in the case against the former Director of Security for the Senate Intelligence Committee, James Wolfe, are beginning to become quite troublesome.

In a noted bit of research timing, Jeff at MarketsWork [See here] and CTH are following the same curious trail.  See here.

First, we know from overwhelming circumstantial evidence, conveniently overlooked by media, that one of Wolfe’s specific leaks involved sending his concubine Ali Watkins a copy of the 82-page FISA application used to gain a Title-1 surveillance warrant against U.S. person Carter Page.   {Full Backstory Here}  Some key things about this leak:

1- It is highly likely there were no redactions in the copy Wolfe leaked to the media. Continue reading