Millions of Americans exposed to deadly, toxic chemicals in public water supplies

waterMike Adams – Harvard University scientists just published the results of an enormous scientific investigation that finds millions of Americans are exposed to deadly chemicals in the water supply. The study is described in this Harvard University announcement and says that researchers found toxic chemicals in the water supplies of 33 states.

The study comes on the heels of the Natural News nationwide water quality assessment effort which analyzed hundreds of water samples via ICP-MS instrumentation to determine that 6.7% of the U.S. water supply is contaminated with toxic heavy metals that exceed allowable EPA limits. Click here to read the results of my own study in the Natural Science Journal, the journal I launched to publish real science in the public interest (without corporate or government influence). My article explaining the illegal heavy metals contamination found in the U.S. water supply is detailed at this link.

At risk: California, New York, Florida and many other states

The following map shows some of the areas where hazardous chemicals were detected in the water supply. Note that the states with the highest rates of water contamination are California, New Jersey, North Carolina, Alabama, Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, Georgia, Minnesota, Arizona, Massachusetts, and Illinois. Continue reading