Meet the Master Of Sorcery, Fakery and Deceit (Part 1)

cheneyBernie Suarez – In the following essays beginning with this one I intend to provide a birds-eye overview of the past 8 years which Barack Obama has been occupying the position of president of the United States. My aim is to highlight numerous events we were all witnesses to that suggest that Obama’s legacy in the eyes of humanity is one of supreme deception and fakery in a manner unprecedented and never before seen in a politician. My interest is not so much to focus on the politics, although that we will also do, but more so to focus on the psychological impact the Obama years have had on its target audience, the people of America and people and nation states around the world.

deceptionFew sorcerers and master deceivers throughout history have attempted, much less pulled off, what the master sorcerer Barry Soetoro, better known as Barack Hussein Obama, has done in his long 8 year reign as the person occupying the position of president. In other words this series of essays will seek to expose what I call the Obama administration psyop on all of humanity. Yes, all of humanity! We will discuss how the Obama psyop was implemented, who his masters were, what his (their) main goals were, what they did and didn’t accomplish and what Obama represents in the consciousness of all humanity and in the archives of American history.

I urge readers to put aside their political differences and listen carefully to the issues raised here. As I’ve already stated I firmly believe Obama is one of the master deceivers of our times and we should seek to put this information out as soon as possible in a manner that will encourage others to see this for themselves. This process, I believe will act as a form of psychological damage control and will help potentially begin the healing and recovery process as we all distance ourselves from this deceptive man. I will make my case as we go along but first let’s begin by looking at the lunacy of the times in which we live.

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Why You Should Unlearn Almost Everything You Know

Michelle Walling, CHLC – Have you found yourselves awakened and confused as hell about what the truth is? Part of the matrix plan is to provide various teachings of how to move your consciousness into a higher level of the astral realm where you will not realize that you are still in the hierarchical prison system. Thankfully, even utter confusion can be a catalyst to finally realizing that most metaphysical, esoteric, and spiritual based information readily available in major bookstores is misleading and unnecessary.

Following the flock

With so many things readily available on the bookshelves and on the internet, it is clear that the basic needs of the human minds lie in confirmation by following what most people are saying and doing. When more people say one thing over another, we tend to want to flock to that way of thinking.

A perfect example is Drunvalo Melchizedeck’s merkaba teachings. Has anyone that you know of been able to ascend into the fifth dimension by practicing his techniques? Drunvalo says to spin your merkaba one way and others say to spin it the opposite direction. How much more confusing can that get? His seminars and books are wildly popular because they have a lot of true esoteric teachings about the flower of life, geometry, and how all of it makes up light. Keeping in mind that Lucifer was the “light bearer,” you still can get drawn in with the truth of how the matrix was created. The part that ties everything together is the escape from the prison planet, by flying away into the universe in your personal ascension machine. Don’t feel bad, I fell for it too.

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They Tell Us Nothing But Lies

rwandaPaul Craig Roberts – A British governmental inquiry has concluded that Russian President Putin “probably approved” the killing of Alexander Litvinenko by polonium poisoning.

As no evidence is provided for the surmise, we can conclude that this report on an unresolved event that happened a decade ago is part of the lies being used by the West to demonize Putin, just as the lies about MH-17 and “the Russian invasion of Ukraine.”

Litvinenko’s brother and father say that they “are sure that the Russian authorities are not involved. It’s all a set-up to put pressure on the Russian government.” Maksim Litvinenko dismisses the British report as a smear on Putin.

And that is what it is.

“Our” government not only lies to us about the economy and the wars, it also lies about literally everything. For example, do you remember the Rwanda genocide? The story we were told is the exact opposite of the truth. Today the perpetrator of the genocide, Paul Kagame, is the President of Rwanda.

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Demonizing Dissent and Public Opinion

opinionPaul A. Philips – As the Western world powers that be tighten their tyrannical controlling noose on humanity, dissension and public opinion has never been so important: As consistent with the quote from Orwell‘s novel 1984, “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

To countermeasure this much-needed dissent and public opinion to raise awareness and free humanity, the powers that be have taken a severe stance on punishing those who have opposing views regardless of truth or untruth to advance an oppressive agenda.

So, in response, during these times of universal deceit and oppression, here are 7 examples of unjustly demonizing dissent and public opinion.

1. Medical Dissension and the AMA’s Gag Orders

To get an even larger slice of the medical monopoly the highly influential AMA (American Medical Association), a wing of the medical/pharmaceutical establishment, has announced plans to put in gag orders designed to control and prevent doctors from speaking out publicly on ‘dubious alternative medical practices.’  Should doctors go outside of the AMA’s guidelines, they could face having their licenses revoked while being unjustly accused of quackery…

This unfairly biased stance will even further hit holistic doctors offering help and advice on track-record proven effective alternative medical practices. Continue reading

When The Unacceptable Becomes Acceptable. Satan’s Production Line

unacceptableKatherine Frisk – The thing about a pathological liar is that no matter how affable they might be, no matter how good-looking, no matter how successful or wealthy they become, no matter how powerful, there is no compromise with these people. They will deny everything. Only one thing counts with them. I win.

They simply are incapable of understanding that this behaviour is unacceptable. The worst part is, they actually expect you to go along with the lies and play the game and when you don’t they are shocked and horrified that you would even consider contradicting them. Negotiation is not possible.

They even expect you to go along with their lies when doing so is to your disadvantage and at your own expense. They cannot understand why you would challenge them and not play the game to their benefit. Truth, justice or even a fair deal does not and never did count. Only their desired outcome. The unacceptable in their minds is acceptable and they expect you to become a convert.

In the last week we have seen many exposures in the media about the CIA. This is not news to anyone familiar with Independent media. It has been clear to all of us that two different US interests have been at play in Syria. The official one supported by the Pentagon and the covert CIA one, backed by big money; drug, organ and arms dealers; and oil traders. As Tulsi Gabbard pointed out:

The U.S. is waging two wars in Syria…The first is the war against ISIS and other Islamic extremists, which Congress authorized after the terrorist attack on 9/11. The second war is the illegal war to overthrow the Syrian government of Assad.”

And steal oil. Let’s not forget about all that oil. Lies, duplicity and theft. The unacceptable has become acceptable. And the 350,000 Syrians who have died, the 11 million people displaced, are merely collateral damage. Continue reading