Human Evolution: The Body’s Intelligence

Psychedelic Adventure | July 15 2012 | Thanks, Annette

Biology‘My body and the Universe come from the same source, obey the same rhythms, flash with the same storms of electromagnetic activity. My body can’t afford to argue over who created the Universe. Every cell would disappear the second it stopped creating itself. So it must be that the Universe is living and breathing through me. I am an expression of everything in existence. At this moment, you are seamlessly flowing with the cosmos.’

‘There is no difference between your breathing and the breathing of the rain forest, between your bloodstream and the world’s rivers, between your bones and the cliffs of Dover. Every shift in ecosystem has affected you at the level of your genes. The Universe remembers its evolution by leaving a record written in DNA. This means that your genes are the focal point for everything happening in the world. They are your line of communication with nature as a whole. The Universe thinks and works through you…’ ~ Deepak Chopra

What’s playing through your DNA at this moment is the evolution of the universe. We tend to think of evolution as a straight line march from primitive organisms to higher ones. A better image would be of a bubble expanding to take in more and more of life’s potential.

The force of evolution is infinite, but it can work only with what the observer bring to it. A mind closed off to love, for example, will look out on a loveless world and be immune to any evidence of love, while an open mind will look out on that same world and find infinite expressions of love.

The Wisdom You Are Already Living – The Body’s Intelligence

1. You have a higher purpose.
2. You are in communion with the whole of life.
3. Your awareness is always open to change. From moment to moment, it senses everything in your environment.
4. You feel acceptance for all others as your equal, without judgment or prejudice.
5. You seize every moment with renewed creativity, not clinging to the old and outworn.
6. Your being is cradled in the rhythms of the universe. You feel safe and nurtured.
7. Your idea of efficiency is to let the flow of life bring you what you need. Force, control, and struggle are not your way.
8. You feel a sense of connection with your source.
9. You are committed to giving as the source of all abundance.
10. You see all change, including birth and death, against the background of immortality. Whatever is unchanging is most real to you.

None of these items are spiritual aspirations; they are facts of daily existence at the level of your cells.

Higher Purpose: Every cell in your body agrees to work for the welfare of the whole; its individual welfare comes second. If necessary, it will die to protect the body, and often does – the lifetime of any given cell is a fraction of our own lifetime. Skin cells perish by the thousands every hour, as do immune cells fighting off invading microbes. Selfishness is not an option, even when it comes to a cell’s own survival.

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Let Go Of Your Attachment To Money

Jafree Ozwald & Margot Zaher | July 6 2012

consciousnessSo there you are…sitting with your eyes closed and your legs crossed, visualizing a huge check in your mailbox, being a lottery jackpot winner, landing an amazing business deal, being hired for a higher paying job, or receiving that million dollar inheritance from that missing uncle you never knew you had. You know you deserve to have this kind of financial abundance, and part of you believes it’s really coming to you. You have been doing everything right for some time now, visualizing your success and feeling as if you are already living the abundant lifestyle you desire. Yet, nothing seems to be happening in your outer world. Should you just throw in the towel and give up? Absolutely not! This is a grand opportunity to get super curious about what is blocking you from manifesting the abundance you desire.

If there was one thing that continuously creates a wall between you and manifesting your desires, it is the energy of attachment. Attachment is always the culprit hindering everyone’s manifesting vibration. Whenever you MUST manifest a desire or dream in order to be happy, then you’ve missed life completely and have become overly attached. When a desire for money becomes incessantly more important than being intimate with your beloved, you’ve again missed it and are too attached. Anytime you NEED to make an ridiculously abundant income to be “fulfilled”, then your being tenses up with anxious neurotic energy and you actually end up unable to receive your manifestation. The tight, contracted consciousness lowers your ability to manifest and keep you from FEELING and KNOWING yourself as the Divine All-Powerful Manifesting Being you already are.

“The law of detachment means that in order to acquire anything in the physical universe, you have to relinquish your attachment to it. This doesn’t mean you give up your intention to create your desire. You don’t give up the intention, and you don’t give up the desire. You give up your attachment to the result.” ~Deepak Chopra

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The Power of Asking for What you Want

“You create your opportunities by asking for them.” ~ Shakti Gawain

universeJafree Ozwald & Margot Zaher – There is a power inside you that is beyond anything that you have yet imagined. You have the ability to manifest anything that you want with pure joy and effortless ease. There are no real limits on what you can create into your life. You are unlimited, unbounded, pure potential energy. You can consciously attract any experience you want at any time.

When you are super specific about what you want, and ask from a surrendered place that is free from lack, you are one step closer to becoming a manifesting master. The energy behind making requests (instead of wishes, hopes or demands) is much more powerful in that it requires you to be humble, realistic and grounded about who you are and what you honestly want in your life. This deeper honesty allows the Universal intelligence that surrounds and penetrates you to truly hear your request and thus assist you in manifesting it!

One of the main ingredients in consciously manifesting your dreams and desires is knowing how to ask for what you want. When you ask in a firm clear receptive way, it’s as if you are throwing a powerful magnetic boomerang into the Universe that will soon return with your desired outcome. You want to throw out a super specific request into the Universe, yet not be attached to how it comes back to you.

This shows that you are clear and sincere about letting go of wanting/needing your desire, and surrendered to receiving the highest possible outcome. By releasing your attachment to how your desire shows up for you, it naturally starts the manifestation process. It’s like the moment you actually throw and let go of this boomerang, you know that even if you close your eyes it will be flying back to you very soon!

“When it is said to you, ‘Ask, and it is given,’ there is no more powerful statement that is at the basis of what makes things happen.” ~ Abraham Hicks

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Law of Transformation

Deepak Chopra | December 16 2011

Deepak ChopraTransformation is a very real force and active process in our lives. For example, the version of you reading these words right now is not the same version of you who bought this book or who will finish turning the last few pages of it whenever you reach the end. At a basic physical and atomic level, our body is in constant motion, replenishing and reinventing itself. The body is not a structure, it’s a process. This year’s version of your body is a recycled model of last year’s. At the level of molecules and atoms, you are constantly reinventing yourself, which means you have a new skin once a month, a new skeleton every three months, a new stomach lining every five days, and a new liver every six weeks. Your DNA which holds memories of millions of years, is recycled every six weeks at the level of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen.

Likewise at an emotional level, we are also constantly changing because of the web of memories, hopes, desires, relationships, and interactions that we find ourselves involved in. Each of them influences us in countless ways, from the metabolic responses they can trigger within us to the choices they may push us toward that alter the course of our lives. Most of us, however, are not aware of this never-ending state of change, so that transformation is not active evolution, rather, it waxes and wanes and falls victim to the ebb and flow of our moods and the emotional climate of those we surround ourselves with. That is, we become trapped by the creation of our boundaries. Our actions and beliefs are limited by our perspective. We become convinced of our own inabilities, or that we are in the right, or that the world is somehow out to get us. No matter what the specific boundary is, the end result is that without the Law of Transformation, we are stuck and will always struggle to change.

In spiritual terms, transformation is not only about gaining mindfulness about ourselves but also about combining insight with a greater awareness of the basic connectivity of all things. Transformation then becomes a readiness to see and experience the world from an infinite number of perspectives. It is the ability to transform and then see and experience the world not only from one’s own individual point of view but from every other perspective as well. Although transformation in the superhero world may reveal itself in overt physical metamorphosis—Bruce Wayne changing into Batman or the character Storm transforming into a lightning storm—in our world it is a great deal more subtle in appearance, but equally powerful in action.

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