Be Honest. Radically Honest

Jafree Ozwald | Enlightened Messages
December 5 2011

If you really want to start manifesting everything your heart desires instantly and effortlessly, then start speaking the truth and only the truth.

This simple secret is an ancient one and once you are committed to revealing your deepest truth with everyone you have been hiding from you will notice how light, free and expansive you suddenly feel!

Everyone benefits when you stop pretending to be someone you are not and have the heart to be honest about your experience of life and what is really going on for you inside.

Your light gets super bright when all masks are removed.

Do You Know Your Real Strength?

Jafree Ozwald | Enlightened Messages
December 2 2011

Deep inside you is a power that is so profound it can literally wipe clean any problem you have in milliseconds.

Would you like to know how to access this power today? Well, the first step is to practice being very gentle with yourself in all that you attempt to do. Then, practice keeping your mind as calm and peaceful as you possibly can and do not let anyone ruffle your feathers.

If someone starts to aggravate you, turn deeper within to that quiet still calm place inside you. Find your soul, who has no attachment at all with this physical world.  When you can totally let go of your outer world, and relax gently into your body, you will discover the greatest strength you could ever imagine is already there at the very core of your innermost being.

Your very life becomes a pillar of strength naturally assisting others to discover their core.

Love Is All There Is

Jafree Ozwald | Enlightened Messages
November 28 2011

consciousnessThe Great Divine Artist in the sky couldn’t find anything other than love to make you with.  In fact everything in Creation was made with this same raw material!

The mind may try to make you believe otherwise, yet stay connected with your heart for the next 3 days and you will see that your mind was only living in duality, caught in the illusion that there was something other than love here.

When you understand this is the law of the Universe, that love is all there truly is, you will stop judging the world, others and yourself and see how amazing this life truly is.

In Reality…all there is, is love sweet love

You Are In The Perfect Place And Time

Jafree Ozwald | Enlightened Messages
November 23 2011

Bhagavad GitaThe moment you realize that the Universe cannot ever make a mistake, you’ll understand how you are always in the perfect place, at the perfect time.

When you stop trying to get somewhere “better” than this moment of your life, you will arrive in Heaven on Earth.  You have been searching and seeking for lifetimes and you are exhausted!  It’s time to let go of all this striving and simply relax into this final destination you deserve.

A feeling of bliss, immense joy, and everlasting peace will instantly arise within you when you truly rest inside and let your mind take a vacation from the search.

The moment you have fully accepted perfection is your natural state, then everything on your “to do” list becomes an adventure in discovering the Divine within. It’s good to know it is always available inside you now.

Take this day to relax and explore your “imperfections” until you see how they are all the necessary ingredients to seeing the absolute divine perfection that is within you now.