The Roller Coaster of America’s Future: a Terrifying Plunge

The Roller Coaster of America's Future: a Terrifying PlungeJ. B. Shurk – Life right now feels like that moment when your roller coaster car begins slowing down near a terrifying peak, and your line of sight finally captures the precipitous plunge lying ahead. Americans know that what happens next won’t be enjoyable except in that perverse way when abject terror floods the body with adrenaline.

Majorities or near-majorities expect imminent economic disaster, global war against nuclear-armed foes, and civil war here at home. If that’s “progress,” then it’s long past time to turn the country around. Yet that’s the thing with roller coaster rides: even if we hit the brakes now before cresting the summit, our downward acceleration is guaranteed — in one direction or another. Continue reading

GOP: Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way!

D. Parker – The Republican party has three choices. It can lead in a resurgence of individual liberty, follow grassroots state organizations in victory…or get out of the way.

“There’s something happening here, But what it is ain’t exactly clear” —”For What It’s Worth,” Buffalo Springfield (1966)


Consider these items of the past few days in light of the “projected” commie tsunami that was nothing more than a tiny wave in the cesspool that is the “Democratic” party. Continue reading

Dem Desperate Disaster, More Ukraine Propaganda, Unstoppable Inflation

inflationGreg Hunter – The DHS Disinformation Governance Board was put on pause this week as yet another disastrous desperate attempt to control the narrative falls apart for the Democrats in the Biden/Obama Administration. A new person at the board has been appointed, and that is Michael Chertoff. He is the former DHS Secretary in the Bush 43 Administration.

The former Disinformation Board leader Nina Jankowicz resigned in disgrace after, wait for it — too much disinformation. Controlling alt media under the label of “disinformation” is a brazen unconstitutional and desperate attempt to try to take control of free speech in America. This is another sign that the Democrats do not feel they can win the upcoming election in November of 2022 without this sort of oppression. Continue reading