This Will Not Stand

US Elections 2020Eric Georgatos – Those were George H.W. Bush’s words after Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990.  They are the words for the radical left/Deep State/Democrat coup now being played out in front of the world.

At this writing, ‘results’ in a few key states remain to be ‘determined’ and thereby ‘determine’ who won the 2020 election.

Americans are being prepared to swallow an election result whereby a manifestly senile 77 year old man (who on Election Day introduced his granddaughter as his deceased son Beau); a man exposed by overwhelming evidence to have criminally sold out his political office for the personal enrichment of himself and his family—to be criminally compromised by the most serious national security threat of our time, Communist China–; a man who barely campaigned outside his home state, and never drew a crowd of even 200 people to any campaign appearance—Americans are being sold a story that this man was swept into the highest office in America by the voluntary, honest choice of the American people. Continue reading