Thousands of Deep State Employees Are Refusing the Jab

vaccineLiberty Planet – Joe Biden’s COVID-19 “vaccine” mandates are set to have a huge impact on the workforce across the United States and across all industries, forcing Americans into unemployment and further driving the economy into chaos.

Thousands of healthcare workers, those lauded as heroes last year, are set to be let go if they refuse the injections — likely to cause hospital backlogs and putting patients at risk due to understaffing. Continue reading

The Bad And The Ugly About COVID-19 In America

COVID-10Thomas T. Siler, M.D. – In an earlier article, I summarized the good news about the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, I will attempt to review the Bad and Ugly news about the pandemic.

The mainstream media, some public health authorities, and the pharmaceutical industry have engaged in a massive disinformation campaign. This campaign has focused on using fear to get everyone to take an experimental vaccine as the only way to get out of the pandemic. On Sunday, Biden urged America’s employers to make vaccination a condition of employment and expressed a hope that all Americans would be vaccinated.

Why? What is the agenda if vaccinating everyone is not medically necessary? (It is not!) Continue reading

Behind the Green Mask: Agenda 21 [Video]

Rosa KoireAlexandra Bruce – It’s funny how so many topics once deemed to be “Tinfoil Hat conspiracy theories” keep getting proven to be worthy of serious attention. Agenda 21, the United Nations’ 1992 plan for Sustainable Development is an example.

Rosa Koire has been doing an excellent job of raising awareness about Agenda 21 for many years. She describes how it is being rolled-out – never by name. This is carefully avoided. Hence, we’re propagandized about Climate Change and the Green New Deal. She says Agenda 21 programs can be identified by their so-called “communitarian” ethos that is imposed from without by NGOs, circumventing the will of communities and the individuals within. Continue reading

The Role of Iran [Video]

IranAlexandra Bruce – Daniel Estulin, author of In the Shadows of a Presidency joins The Power Hour host, Daniel Brigman to discuss what’s really going on behind the scenes in the world. Estulin spent 24 years in Russian military counterintelligence and he’s not a conspiracy theorist.

I’ve transcribed the first part of this interview, which begins with a discussion of Iran, with a very different telling of 20th century Iranian history than is ever told in the West. An Iranian friend actually brought this clip to my attention, saying that this version was accurate from his point of view.

Daniel Estulin: To untangle the truth about who and what this Iran situation is, we need to look behind me closed doors of the world’s most powerful and prestigious banks, oil companies, industrial corporations and also into the high-rise boardrooms of the elite clubs, such as New York Council on Foreign Relations (the brother organization to the Bilderbergers) [and the] Royal Institute of International Affairs in London… Continue reading

Future Generations Will Never Get Why We Allowed These 5 Crimes to Happen

futureBernie Suarez – Picture yourself still alive in the future. Perhaps after the new world order is fully operational (2030 or beyond). By then perhaps it’s too late. Humanity had become enslaved forever. Imagine a large percentage of humanity is now dead and gone. Billions succumbed to various diseases all linked to toxins and diseases that you now realize could have been easily avoided. The human species, you now realize, became victims of their own corruption, greed, subsequent policies and mind games. The species had become so locked in to their predetermined paradigms that by the time enough people began to think on their own too many of them died off one way or another.

The “war on terror” that never did seem to end turned out to be the perfect tool to rationalize permanent war against everyone, anywhere, everywhere and at anytime. The human species essentially killed itself off. All along while one tiny segment of the planet known as the globalists, financial elite or Illuminati operating under the guise and interest of nation states all danced along to a script they had laid out many years prior. The script told the story of how they were going to kill everyone off to conquer the world. The generations that lived during that time, as a whole ignored the warnings. Truth seekers, revolutionaries, independent journalists and alternative news entities kept warning for years about this out of control top-down corruption and many other ongoing conspiracies, but the overall complacency of the species did not allow for quick enough significant action to take place to stop this agenda. Continue reading