Put Fear of Flying to Rest With These Tips

Photo by Ross Parmly on Unsplash

Are you longing for an exotic vacation to soothe away stress and worries? Is the only thing stopping you from this dream trip a fear of flying? You’re not alone.

Nearly 25% of Americans suffer from nervousness when choosing to fly, with at least 6.5% of this group experiencing aviophobia. Aviophobia is an intense fear of flying, with feelings of anxiety and dread leading up to and during the flight.

Fortunately there are actions you can take to help ease your fears and enjoy a getaway. Continue reading

Is Your Prescription Drug Causing Your Depression?

depressionKelly Brogan, M.D. – Let’s face it… our current medical industry loves pills.

When you go to the doctor for any kind of discomfort with any kind of diagnosis, chances are that the doctor will write out a slip of paper and send you to the pharmacy. Every illness, every injury, every bodily inconvenience has some kind of corresponding medication for us to take. So that’s what we’ve done for the greater part of the last century. It’s tempting to think that we can be “fixed” by medication because it’s quick and easy. That’s why the United States pharmaceutical market was valued around 446 billion U.S. dollars in 2016 alone. (1)

But the truth is that our bodies are more complex than we’ve been taught, and more importantly, we know much less than we think we do. Only recently have we started to understand how connected the gut, brain, hormones, and immune systems are. So it’s not a huge surprise that we think of our bodies as machines—that we can feed them some chemicals and they’ll run smoothly again like a car that just got an oil change. Continue reading

Why Conventional Medicine can’t Cure Depression

depressionTracy Colenchuck – Are you depressed? Anxious? Hyperactive? Attention Deficit? Psychotic? Delusional? Schizophrenic? Bipolar? Social anxiety disorder? Panic attacks? Do you have a disease? Has it been diagnosed? Is there a cure?

The DSM-5, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, is the official medical bureaucracy book of mental disorders. You might be surprised to learn that there are no cures for any mental disorder listed in the DMS-5. Not one. The DSM-5 does not recommend treatments, much less cures. The only reference to the word cure that I can find is “eventual cures for these conditions“. Cured is not defined for any mental disorder. At this time, by omission, according to the DSM-5, there are no cures. Maybe, someday, eventually, but today? Not.

How can this be true? Can this be true? Have all of the cures of modern medicine disappeared? Actually, it’s true due to a strange logic (or illogic) trick. I’ll use depression as an example, but you can pick your disease – similar rules apply. Continue reading

Fear is a Gift and Here is Why

fearDanielle Benvenuto – Fear is an inner guidance system, an evolutionary necessity, which warns us when something is wrong. It is our fight or flight response which protects and, if we choose, elevates us. If we choose not to become frozen in time-fleeing from things that are no longer harmful to us and/or fighting battles that no longer need to be fought.

I don’t believe fear is a bad thing. In fact, I think it is a gift — a blank canvas of opportunity that takes on a negative or positive quality in our lives depending on how we choose to navigate it and something we can either reject or be open to receiving.

It has a Jekyll and Hyde energy to it and can manifest as darkness-a gloomy cloud hovering and taking over one’s life sometimes in the form of destruction or as a life force-a frenetic and seemingly chaotic energy which uses its disturbing force to ask us to transform and create our lives anew. We need to integrate the Jekyll and Hyde of fear instead of polarize it so we can do just that-transform and create the lives we want. Continue reading

Are We Drowning In Depression and Anxiety?

depressionIt’s been estimated that some 350 million people worldwide suffer from depression. In fact, the World Health Organization predicts that depression will be a second-leading cause of disease burden globally by 2020, and outpace ischemic heart disease as the number one cause of disease burden worldwide by 2030. And the outlook for anxiety disorders is even worse: at present anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States, affecting some 40 million adults or over 18% of the population,

However, there are some who maintain that this “epidemic” of mental health disorders is little more than a conspiracy between big pharma and psychiatrists which is effectively medicalizing too many human troubles and making pots of money in the process. Perhaps – but the good news is that there are alternatives to prescription psychotropic drugs. If you want to know more about these, Reviewy will have more info.

As a matter of interest, the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), a US-based non-profit mental health watchdog, claims that psychiatric drug use (and abuse) is surging worldwide with over 1 billion prescriptions for antidepressants alone written in 2002 at a cost of $19.5 billion. The implications are that is now considerably higher. Continue reading