Are We (Collectively) Depressed?

anger​Charles Hugh Smith – Psychoanalysis teaches that one cause of depression is repressed anger.

The rising tide of collective anger is visible in many places: road rage, violent street clashes between groups seething for a fight, the destruction of friendships for holding the “incorrect” ideological views, and so on. I Think We Can Safely Say The American Culture War Has Been Taken As Far As It Can Go.


This raises a larger question: are we as a society becoming depressed as we repress our righteous anger and our sense of powerlessness as economic and social inequality rises?A coarsening of the entire social order is increasingly visible: The Age of Rudeness.

Depression is a complex phenomenon, but it typically includes a loss of hope and vitality, absence of goals, the reinforcement of negative internal dialogs, and anhedonia, the loss of the joy of living (joie de vivre).

Depressive thoughts (and the emotions they generate) tend to be self-reinforcing, and this is why it’s so difficult to break out of depression once in its grip.

One part of the healing process is to expose the sources of anger that we are repressing. As psychiatrist Karen Horney explained in her 1950 masterwork, Neurosis and Human Growth: The Struggle Towards Self-Realization, anger at ourselves sometimes arises from our failure to live up to the many “shoulds” we’ve internalized, and the idealized track we’ve laid out for ourselves and our lives. Continue reading

A Remedy For Anxiety & Despair

Nibiruan Council May 6 2013

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AnxietyIf you’ve been reading my weekly messages then you know about the “Pressure Cooker.” For those unfamiliar, it is the effects that we are feeling as we move through the very high vibrating portion of the Photon Band or Galactic Superwave. This stream, emanating from the galactic core is transforming us into a higher state.

For those aware, it means shedding the parts of ourselves that will no longer be useful. That means old polarized 3D beliefs based in fear. It also means releasing the pain of old wounds because we finally understand the lesson for which they were inflicted. But how do we calm the almost daily feelings of anxiousness and powerlessness, both considered normal reactions to being in the Pressure Cooker? How do we shift our mood so that we manifest what we want when we are really down, anxious and/or depressed. Here’s a technique I’ve developed that seems to really work for me so I’ll pass it on.

The Remedy

Step 1 – Allow myself time to feel whatever sadness, anger, etc. Giving myself permission to have the feelings allows me to both acknowledge them and also honor my Inner Child’s need to express. To immediately work to eliminate them would break my agreement with her to listen to her when she calls. Plus, I find it easier to shift once she feels heard and validated. Remember, the feelings don’t have to make sense in order to be validated.

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