A National ID Card Is Coming — You Will Need It to Fly and Drive

identificationDerrick Broze – On Friday, the Department of Homeland Security released updated information regarding the national identification card known as the REAL ID. Beginning January 22, 2018, all airline passengers will need identification cards that are in compliance with the more secure features required by the REAL ID Act of 2005. The REAL ID Act was passed in response to the 9/11 attacks, as part of the global War on Terror.

Until this deadline, all states drivers licenses and passports will be valid for airline travel. Currently, five states and one territory – Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri, New Mexico, Washington and American Samoa – do not comply with Real ID standards. Several other states are reportedly taking steps to update their identification cards between now and the deadline. These standards include invasive biometric measures.

Travelers in states that do not comply with the stricter security measures will be forced to use an alternative form of identification recognized by the Transportation Security Administration. These options include a permanent resident card, an airline-issued identification or a tribal identification.

Most unnerving of all is the fact that the REAL ID requirements extend to driving privileges in addition to airline travel. That’s right. If your state driver’s license does not meet REAL ID standards, you will need to carry another acceptable form of identification, and likely will not be able to legally drive. Continue reading

Police Now Illegally Seize More Money than the Criminals

policeDamon Geller – Times continue to be terrifyingly desperate for fiscally insolvent federal and state governments. According to a recent bombshell from the Washington Post, the police and the entire executive branch of government seize billions of dollars a year from citizens, without any shred of due process or proof that a crime has been committed! The total unconstitutional police seizures now exceed $4.5 billion per year, more than all burglary offenses.  This means that the police are now seizing more assets than the criminals! Why? Because our state & federal governments are broke, bankrupt and in desperate need of capital. So they’re expanding The Police State to unlawfully gain access to citizens’ money. Experts advise that you have only ONE choice if you want to protect your savings and retirement from government confiscations and seizures.

Government on the Brink of Disaster

The U.S. government and the Fed pumped trillions of dollars of YOUR money into the banks and stock market over the last several years, catapulting the U.S. debt to $28 trillion by 2018. But now, the U.S. government and the Fed are completely out of ammo, with the Fed no longer able to buy U.S. treasuries. They desperately need money to maintain their own power, and taxes are not enough. So government officials are doing everything they can to keep the Ponzi scheme going, such as seizing the public’s money through inflation, deficits, and outright confiscation.

The Bill of Rights under Siege

The 4th Amendment to the Constitution reads clearly: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated.” Continue reading

Awareness And Critical Mass Can Deconstruct Planned Extermination [Video]

​VANCOUVER, BC – In a wide-ranging conversation on American Liberty Live with host Jeffrey Sisk, Alfred Lambremont Webre reveals and discusses an Illuminati depopulation plan to collapse the constitutional order and population in the USA under the rubric “Plan A is Martial Law; Plan B is Ebola”.  Alfred explains how Awareness and Critical mass can deconstruct planned extermination.

Articles and information on the Ebola/Martial Law false flag

Plan A (Martial Law) is the DHS goal in USA [Plan B is Ebola]

DHS Is Employing Agent Provocateurs and Are Behind the Events In Ferguson

http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2014/08/15/dhs-is-employing-agent-provocateurs-and-are-behind-the-events-in-ferguson/ Continue reading

X22 Report ~ Episode 447 – August 21 2014 [Audio]

DHS Preparing For ‘National Day Of Rage’


  • Euro zone business growth is imploding on itself.
  • Retail stores are showing traffic,sales and profits are down in the economic recovery.
  • US homes sales are down compared to a year ago.
  • The biggest increase are in home that sell for 1 million plus.
  • It seems the government used a kill switch to stop live feeds.
  • DHS has put out a warning and are preparing for a national day of rage.
  • The Islamic State video of James Foley is a fake, this is being used to get troops back into the middle east and to get into Syria.
  • Government officials are now calling for war, to take the Islamic State.

All source links to the report can be found on the x22report.com site.

SF Source X22Report

Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich ~ The Militarization of Law Enforcement in America: Blowback in Ferguson

“Gregory Foster, a former Army officer and West Point graduate who now teaches national security studies at the National Defense University in Washington said that the principle of civilian control of the military—an early building block of American democracy-  has been reversed and become the  civilian subjugation to the military.” S Sepahpour-Ulrich

Zemanta Related Posts ThumbnailThe fatal shooting of an unarmed black teenager and the ensuing protests in Ferguson, Missouri has rocked America. Even the mainstream media with its aversion to the truth, has been forced to address the militarization of the police in America – albeit years too late.

This is a short call from informing the mainstream media that the country has been living under pseudo martial law for decades.

On April 13, 2013,  the ACLU (Shasta Chapter) invited me to be their keynote speaker to talk about government secrecy, drones and militarization of America.    The Ferguson shooting and its coverage in the media prompted me to highlight some of the points made during that talk as they relate to today’s events.

Historians and political scientists have warned about dangerous war fever sweeping the United States.  America’s entanglements overseas, its imperial ambitions, and the more recent “global war on terror”, a war of indefinite duration against an ill-defined shifting enemy, with no specific definition of victory,  poses a grave danger to the very character of American government and society, unraveling the fabric of the Constitution. Continue reading