Jeff Berwick ~ The Beginning Of The End For The Leaders Of The Free World…Humanity Awakens!

ActivistPost  May 5 2014

In just the past few weeks, First Lady Michelle Obama, Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Attorney General Eric Holder have had to cancel appearances due to protests.

They’re just the latest in a long line.

Michelle Obama cancelled the commencement speech she was scheduled to give at a Kansas high school after nearly 2,000 people signed a petition protesting her appearance.

Over the weekend we learned that former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has cancelled her appearance at Rutgers University due to protests. Condoleezza wrote,

“Commencement should be a time of joyous celebration for the graduates and their families,” Ms. Rice wrote in a Facebook post. “Rutgers’ invitation to me to speak has become a distraction for the university community at this very special time.”

Rutgers faculty and anti-war activists berated the university administration for offering Rice the speaking slot, citing her “efforts to mislead the American people about the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.”

That cancellation came only one week after Attorney General Eric Holder’s last-minute cancellation of his speech at a police academy graduation to 42 cadets. Holder’s cancellation comes on the heels of the House holding him in contempt for road-blocking an investigation into a covert gun-running sting called Fast and Furious.  His appearances prompted threats of protests, with opponents noting that Holder was an “ironic” choice of speaker because of his “tactics of obfuscation and redirection of blame” as attorney general.

The recent cancellations come after many US leaders have had to cancel appearances as people all over the world wake up to their violent and criminal ways. Former Vice President Dick Cheney has had to cancel multiple appearances, for example, in Canada because it was “too dangerous” for him, a former leader of the “free world.”

“Basically they felt that it would be a major security issue if Vice President Cheney came back to Canada,” said Ryan Ruppert, president of Spectre Live Corp, which was promoting Cheney’s speech.

The first time, in 2011, Cheney’s appearance at a $500-a-plate book club dinner in Vancouver last September had a shadow cast over it by protestors who blocked the entrance to the venue and were beat by police. Cheney had to stay inside while police dispersed the crowd.

The protestors were calling for Cheney’s arrest over war crimes.

George W. Bush had to cancel a visit to Switzerland where he was to address a Jewish charity gala. He was worried about possible legal action against him for alleged torture as pressure has been mounting on the Swiss government to arrest him and open a criminal investigation if he enters into the country. Swiss judicial officials have said that Bush would still enjoy a certain diplomatic immunity as a former head of state.

In 2002 Henry Kissinger cancelled a trip to Brazil because of human rights protests. Kissinger was even sought by French police during a visit to Paris in a case involving a French citizen murdered by the US-backed military dictatorship in Chile.

The state as a façade is fading as the Internet helps people wake up to the true terrorists and criminals. We expectmore of these types of protests to cancel future events in the US and elsewhere, and many of the top criminals in the US government will continue to have a hard time travelling internationally without being arrested for their crimes.

Millennials Distrust Government

A new poll surveying young Americans’ political attitudes released by Harvard University’s Institute of Politics Tuesday found millennials have less trust in government than ever before – that includes the Presidency, the military, Congress, the Supreme Court, and the federal government as a whole. The President and the military lost the most trust among young Americans with a seven point drop. The pollsters said the level of trust millennials have in “most American institutions tested in our survey” had dropped below even “last year’s historically low numbers.” Look at this dramatic drop:


The pollsters also created this chart showing young peoples’ levels of trust in almost every public institution. Across the board, the “commanding heights” of society are not trusted.


“Currently, less than one-in-four (24%) young Americans under the age of 30 say that they will  ‘definitely be voting,’ in the upcoming midterm elections for Congress, a sharp decrease of 10 percentage points since the Fall,” the pollsters said. “During a similar time of the year in 2010, 31 percent of 18- to 29-year olds reported that they would definitely vote.”

The people are awakening and it is beautiful to watch.

Anarcho-Capitalist. Libertarian. Freedom fighter against mankind’s two biggest enemies, the State and the Central Banks. Jeff Berwick is the founder of The Dollar Vigilante, CEO of TDV Media & Services and host of the popular video podcast, Anarchast. Jeff is a prominent speaker at many of the world’s freedom, investment and gold conferences as well as regularly in the media including CNBC, CNN and Fox Business.

Jonathan Turley ~ Perpetual War And America’s Military-Industrial Complex 50 Years After Eisenhower’s Farewell Address

Jonathan Turley January 12 2014

jonathanTurleyBelow is my article this weekend in Al Jazaerra on the powerful lobby and industry supporting our various conflicts abroad as well as counterterrorism efforts. I previously testified before Congress on this industry and the government’s inflation of counterterrorism numbers to justify huge domestic budgets at the Justice Department FBI, and other agencies. I wrote the article for the anniversary this month of Eisenhower’s famous Military-Industrial Complex speech.

In January 1961, US President Dwight D Eisenhower used his farewell address to warn the nation of what he viewed as one of its greatest threats: the military-industrial complex composed of military contractors and lobbyists perpetuating war.

Eisenhower warned that “an immense military establishment and a large arms industry” had emerged as a hidden force in US politics and that Americans “must not fail to comprehend its grave implications”. The speech may have been Eisenhower’s most courageous and prophetic moment. Fifty years and some later, Americans find themselves in what seems like perpetual war. No sooner do we draw down on operations in Iraq than leaders demand an intervention in Libya or Syria or Iran. While perpetual war constitutes perpetual losses for families, and ever expanding budgets, it also represents perpetual profits for a new and larger complex of business and government interests.

The new military-industrial complex is fuelled by a conveniently ambiguous and unseen enemy: the terrorist. Former President George W Bush and his aides insisted on calling counter-terrorism efforts a “war”. This concerted effort by leaders like former Vice President Dick Cheney (himself the former CEO of defence-contractor Halliburton) was not some empty rhetorical exercise. Not only would a war maximise the inherent powers of the president, but it would maximise the budgets for military and homeland agencies.

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Paul Craig Roberts ~ Cynthia McKinney On Leadership

Paul Craig Roberts | October 2 2012

Cynthia McKinneyThose who have followed the Republican campaign for the presidential nomination and current contest between Romney and Obama know that the United States has no political leadership in Washington.

Billions of dollars have been spent on political propaganda, but not a single important issue has been addressed. The closest the campaign has come to a political issue is which candidate can grovel the lowest at the feet of Israeli prime minister Netanyahu. Romney won that contest. But for the rest, well, it is like two elementary school children sticking their tongues out at one another.

The question of US political leadership has been on my mind for some time. I can remember when political leadership still existed and when bipartisan cooperation could be mustered on enough issues to keep the country and the government functioning.

But no more. It might have been Newt Gingrich who, as Speaker of the House, destroyed bipartisan cooperation by making war on the Democratic Party, warfare that Karl Rove has taken to a new height.

When a country loses leadership, how does a country get leadership back? This is an important question. Without leadership, there is only violence. Once the Romans lost their republic, there was no one to lead them and they were ruled by violence. Will this be our fate?

These thoughts were in my mind when I happened to hear Cynthia McKinney speak. Here was a leader, a person with sufficient fire, knowledge, and compassion for others. Cynthia McKinney served six terms in the House of Representatives as a Democrat from Georgia. In 2008 she was the Green Party’s candidate for president. As a US Representative, Cynthia McKinney defied the cowardly Nancy Pelosi and introduced articles of impeachment against President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

If there had been any leadership in Congress in addition to that of Cynthia McKinney and Dennis Kucinich, the executive branch criminals who violated US law, international law, the US Constitution, and committed war crimes and crimes against humanity, would have been impeached, and today American citizens would be safe in their civil liberties protected by the US Constitution.

But as McKinney and Kucinich stood alone in their leadership, the Constitution is eviscerated and the executive branch is above the law. The US government now routinely commits war crimes and violates all of the traditional, but no longer extant, rights of US citizens.

Cynthia McKinney survived brickbats, but she did not survive the Israel Lobby. She spoke up for the Palestinians, a taboo in American politics, and Israeli money got her evicted from the House of Representatives.

Dennis KucinichRecently, I had an opportunity to speak with Cynthia McKinney, and I asked her about leadership. She replied that at the local level in the black communities there is leadership. It no longer gets media coverage, but it is there.

At the elected political level, she said the public confuses leadership with election to office. But many elected politicians are sycophants for the powers who control the existing order. Real leaders are those with the courage to dissent and to resist. It is the act of resistance that transforms an elected person into a leader.

What Cynthia McKinney was telling me is that politics is a virtual reality, full of paper cutout props, pretending to be leaders, while the few real leaders are demonized, redistricted, and disposed of. McKinney, who was brave enough to take on all the forces of evil, also took on Israel for its crimes against the Palestinians.

This shamed almost every other member of Congress, both House and Senate, cowards who sit silently while Israel oppresses the Palestinians and steals their land. McKinney’s moral conscience resulted in the Israel Lobby putting her on the extermination list. McKinney’s constituents had not seen a leader in so long that they were unable to recognize one, and the Israel Lobby got away with it. She told me: “The Anti-Defamation League wanted me out of Congress and filed an amicus brief in the Supreme Court case to dismantle the District that sent me to Washington, D.C.”

From the Washington Establishment’s point of view, Cynthia McKinney was extremely dangerous. She spoke for the people, not for the monied interest groups. In Washington, this is impermissible behavior. And on top of it all, she challenged the government’s official story about 9/11.

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Laura Tyco ~ Former Head Of Star Wars Program Says Cheney Main 9/11 Suspect

2012 Indy Info | June 20 2012

Official version of events a conspiracy theory, says drills were cover for attacks

The former head of the Star Wars missile defense program under Presidents Ford and Carter has gone public to say that the official version of 9/11 is a conspiracy theory and his main suspect for the architect of the attack is Vice President Dick Cheney.

Dr. Robert M. Bowman, Lt. Col., USAF, ret. flew 101 combat missions in Vietnam. He is the recipient of the Eisenhower Medal, the George F. Kennan Peace Prize, the President’s Medal of Veterans for Peace, the Society of Military Engineers Gold Medal (twice), six Air Medals, and dozens of other awards and honors. His Ph.D. is in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering from Caltech. He chaired 8 major international conferences, and is one of the country’s foremost experts on National Security.

Bowman worked secretly for the US government on the Star Wars project and was the first to coin the very term in a 1977 secret memo. After Bowman realized that the program was only ever intended to be used as an aggressive and not defensive tool, as part of a plan to initiate a nuclear war with the Soviets, he left the program and campaigned against it.

In an April 4, 2006 interview with The Alex Jones Show aired nationally on the GCN Radio Network, Bowman (pictured below right) stated that at the bare minimum if Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda were involved in 9/11 then the government stood down and allowed the attacks to happen. He said it is plausible that the entire chain of military command were unaware of what was taking place and were used as tools by the people pulling the strings behind the attack.

Bowman outlined how the drills on the morning of 9/11 that simulated planes crashing into buildings on the east coast were used as a cover to dupe unwitting air defense personnel into not responding quickly enough to stop the attack.

“The exercises that went on that morning simulating the exact kind of thing that was happening so confused the people in the FAA and NORAD….that they didn’t they didn’t know what was real and what was part of the exercise,” said Bowman

“I think the people who planned and carried out those exercises, they’re the ones that should be the object of investigation.”

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Charles Pierce ~ Colin Powell Owes Us an Apology

Esquire Magazine | Reader Supported News |  May 15 2012

OPINION ~ Has there been a more vastly overrated person in the past 50 years than Colin Powell? He helped cover up My Lai. He did his part to make sure that the Iran-Contra mess never came fully to light. He buckled under to chickenhawk bullies in the Bush White House and did his part to lie us into a destructive war with a speech to the U.N. that he knew was based on stovepiped bullshit from people he already didn’t trust. And still, people trust him and revere him and, I have no doubt, if he came to them shilling another war, they’d salute and agree with him as devoutly as they did back in 2003, when he was before the UN talking about those lagoons of anthrax consomme that didn’t really exist.

And now, of course, he’s back with another book in which he polishes his own apple to a high gloss while ducking his responsibility for the greatest foreign-policy foul-up of our time. And he’s still talking like a hapless apparatchik:

“By then, the President did not think war could be avoided,” Powell writes. “He had crossed the line in his own mind, even though the NSC [National Security Council] had never met – and never would meet – to discuss the decision.”

The president “didn’t think war could be avoided”? Jesus H. Christ on a 10-day contract, at what point in his presidency did George W. Bush try to avoid a war with Iraq? Paul O’Neill has told us that he was spoiling for that fight almost immediately after the theft of the elect… er… the inauguration was complete. Donald Rumsfeld was talking about it while the towers were still burning. Dick Cheney was parceling out Iraqi oil fields almost from jump. The Downing Street Memos track it back to 2002. There was no “decision” made to go to war with Iraq because the entire administration was the decision. The passive voice is the sound of a true career underling trying to keep his job.

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