Stomach Ache Remedies – 5 Natural Solutions For Upset Stomach

Natural Society May 24 2013

Abdominal pain
Fennel seeds

It should come as no surprise that in times without pink Pepto Bismol or fizzy Alka Seltzer, there indeed were natural stomach ache remedies, whether the cause be from poor digestion, lack of proper digestive enzymes, or eating a questionable meal. There can be many underlying reasons for a belly ache, including a hiatal hernia and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), but don’t worry – there are natural remedies for these discomforts.

Here are 5 natural stomach ache remedies to replace your pharmaceutical solutions.

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How To Improve Digestion Naturally With 5 Simple Tips

Natural Society March 22 2013

Do you want to know how to improve digestion – naturally? Food should make you feel good; it should provide energy and wellness. But if it doesn’t, don’t worry; there are some very simple solutions that could get things running more smoothly when you’re plagued with digestive problems on a regular basis.

Constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, and heartburn are just a few of the common digestive complaints that plague people. It seems so simple, but the solution to fix these digestive problems lies in changing your dietary habits. Normally, these issues arise when you are either eating something you shouldn’t be, or missing out on something you should be getting.

How to Improve Digestion Naturally

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Fix Your Digestion Problems: 5 Best And Worst Foods For Digestion

Natural Society | December 15 2012

So much depends upon the human gut. It is after all the organ that determines if—and how—what we eat fuels the other organs. That’s why we need it to be in optimal health and fix any digestion problems now rather than later.

Some sources swear by whole grains for gut health. According to Mark’s Daily Apple, however, the American College of Gastroenterology Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders Task Force didn’t find fiber to be an effective treatment for chronic constipation. So, what is? Gut bacteria, say some, while others will stick vehemently to whole grains and other forms of “roughage.”

Regardless of where you stand on the hotly contested issue, here are some of the best and worst foods for your gut for you to finally tackle those digestion problems.

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