Behind the Smoke: The Death Agendas [Video]

EpsteinAlexandra Bruce – After seeing The Truth Factory’s video about how CO2 emissions are beneficial to the environment, this interview with Deborah Tavares on the SGT Report is all the more jarring.

“What I find horrific is the enormity of the PsyOp,” she says. “This is a mind-controlled, trauma-based destructive campaign.”

Officials are telling everyone that Climate Change is the cause of the California fires. Tavares says that in reality, it’s an aggressive roll-out of UN Agenda 2030 aka the Green New Deal, to move populations out of the WUI, Wildland-Urban Interface areas and to ban the future sale of passenger vehicles powered by fossil fuels.

It may not be too difficult, as homeowners find that no one will insure homes in these areas. Continue reading