You’re the Light; We’re Your Cheerleaders

worthyBrenda Hoffman – Many of you noted unusual feelings the past few days, including exhaustion, anger, passivity, or foggy floating sensations. All indicators that the recent energy bursts were more potent than any you have experienced while of the earth.

The energies will again magnify in the next few days so that almost everyone now of the earth will note sensations that may lead to unusual actions. Before you move into your fear mode, please know that unusual no longer needs to be fear-based. Continue reading

Fear Not What’s Happening, Everything is Perfect!

Open – Here at Openhand we’re truly blessed to connect with kindred spirits in the awakening movement around the world. Whilst we’re all on a unique path, so many of your stories bear similar hallmarks: you’re looking at the mess humanity has gotten itself into and wondering how we’re going to find passage to a new shore?

To me, everything is necessary within the divine unfolding. The system is looking ever more crazy by the minute. Yes there’s likely more instability ahead, but the other side of the coin is an immaculate realisation of self, seeing what you are not, and unleashing the divine majesty of your being. That’s the heightened possibility… Continue reading

The Clue Phone is Ringing and It is For You

Jennifer Hoffman – I remember the many times the Universe has tried to prevent me from doing something that I wanted to do anyway. No matter how many obstacles were put in my path I forged ahead, determined to succeed at all costs. And I paid the price in time, energy, and heartache.

Why did I not see the clues I was receiving for what they were, warnings that the path I was on was not the best one for me, that it was not aligned with the outcomes I wanted in my life?

What made me forge ahead with my plans, determined to plow through whatever obstacles were in my way, no matter what it took (and sometimes it took a lot)! Continue reading