How to Live a Less Disposable Life

disposable wasteOne of the repercussions of living in a material world with so many options in clothing, food and lifestyle products is that society produces an incredible amount of disposable waste – some of it avoidable. With environmental concerns now firmly on the radar, the amount of waste humans produce has become a worldwide issue that is raising awareness of how to act in an eco-friendly fashion. While plenty of trash is unavoidable, consider these tips that’ll reduce the amount of disposable waste that you produce as you go about your day-to-day life.

Carry Your Own Items

Vague as it sounds, this is an excellent way of reducing waste. If you like to stop off at a coffee shop for a to-go cappuccino in the morning, have it poured into your own thermos flask to save on plastic-containing disposable cups. Carrying lunch with you will avoid your buying food that’s heavily packaged on the go, while a water bottle will stop your contribution to the plastic waste of disposable water bottles. Continue reading