Demonizing Dissent and Public Opinion

opinionPaul A. Philips – As the Western world powers that be tighten their tyrannical controlling noose on humanity, dissension and public opinion has never been so important: As consistent with the quote from Orwell‘s novel 1984, “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

To countermeasure this much-needed dissent and public opinion to raise awareness and free humanity, the powers that be have taken a severe stance on punishing those who have opposing views regardless of truth or untruth to advance an oppressive agenda.

So, in response, during these times of universal deceit and oppression, here are 7 examples of unjustly demonizing dissent and public opinion.

1. Medical Dissension and the AMA’s Gag Orders

To get an even larger slice of the medical monopoly the highly influential AMA (American Medical Association), a wing of the medical/pharmaceutical establishment, has announced plans to put in gag orders designed to control and prevent doctors from speaking out publicly on ‘dubious alternative medical practices.’  Should doctors go outside of the AMA’s guidelines, they could face having their licenses revoked while being unjustly accused of quackery…

This unfairly biased stance will even further hit holistic doctors offering help and advice on track-record proven effective alternative medical practices. Continue reading

When It Becomes Serious, First They Lie . . .

. . . When That Fails, They Arrest You

“When lying is no longer enough to gain compliance, then the organs of security are unleashed on dissent and resistance.” – C H Smith

“When it becomes serious, you have to lie.” Jean-Claude Juncker simply gave voice to what the world’s leaders practice on a daily basis, because now it’s always serious.

dissentAnd why is it now serious? Persuading tax donkeys and debt serfs that everything is going their way is now impossible without lies. Persuading the populace that the leadership is working on their behalf was jettisoned in the wake of the 2008 bailout of bankers and parasites.

Stripped of the artifice that they care about anything other than preserving the wealth of their cronies, global political leaders now rely on propaganda: narratives designed to manage expectations and perceptions, bolstered by carefully tailored official statistics.

Reliance on lies erodes legitimacy. As the rich get richer and the burdens on tax donkeys and debt serfs increase, the gulf between the official happy-story narrative and reality widens to the breaking point, and faith in the narrative and the leadership espousing it declines. Continue reading

Banning Dissent In The Name Of Civility

“The code word that the Israel lobby and its facilitators at universities use to silence critics is “civility.” Israel supporters are permitted to spout hate and calls for indiscriminate violence against Palestinians. Critics of Israel, however, even if they are careful to denounce violence and not to demonize Jews, are banned in the name of “civility.” It is the height of academic duplicity.” – C Hedges

I had been invited to talk next April 3 at the University of Pennsylvania at a peace conference sponsored by the International Affairs Association, but last week after Truthdig published my column “ISIS—the New Israel” the lecture agency that set up the event received this email from Zachary Michael Belnavis, who is part of the student group:

We’re sorry to inform you that we don’t think that Chris Hedges would be a suitable fit for our upcoming peace conference. We’re saying this in light of a recent article he’s written in which he compares the organization ISIS to Israel (here’s the article in question). In light of this comparison we don’t believe he would be suitable to a co-existence speaker based on this stance he’s taken.

Being banned from speaking about the conflict between Israel and Palestine, especially at universities, is familiar to anyone who attempts to challenge the narrative of the Israel lobby. This is not the first time one of my speaking offers has been revoked and it will not be the last. However, the charge of Belnavis and the International Affairs Association that I do not believe in coexistence between the Palestinians and Israel is false. I oppose violence by either party. I have condemned Hamas rocket attacks as war crimes. And I support Israel’s right to exist within the pre-1967 borders. The charge that I oppose coexistence cannot be substantiated by anything I have said or written. And those of us who call on Israel to withdraw to the pre-1967 borders are, after all, only demanding what is required by international law and numerous U.N. resolutions. Continue reading