A New Age Secured – September 2015

mindEmmanuel Dagher – Thank you for being such a blessing to the world. Your presence (whether your mind is aware of it or not) is raising the consciousness of the planet immensely, and the Universe is showering all of humanity with so much more light as a result.

I come to you today with great excitement and joy about what’s going on in the world at this time.

The World Congress on Illumination

I had the profound honor of presenting at the 29th Annual World Congress on Illumination with my friend Patricia Cota-Robles in August, and what we (you included) co-created and witnessed was nothing short of a shift for the ages.

The main contribution of this epic shift came from YOU and your continued dedication and willingness to doing the inner spiritual work necessary to get us here.

To understand the impact of what has happened in the last few weeks, I’d like to preface it with something that many of us have known about for a long time.

The Journey of the Mind

In the beginning, when we were first birthed into physical existence, we had complete awareness of our Divine and eternal Sovereign Selves. We understood that we were One with all of Life, and that we were physical embodiments of Source/God Energy, the all-encompassing Energy that is the Center of all Universes. Continue reading