Your angels are with you

loveThe Angels – We are always here beside you. Never do you live your lives alone. Never do you have to handle a challenge without wisdom, a betrayal without a trusted friend, a loss without a reminder of your eternal connection to abundance. Never do you have to figure out how to solve a problem or create a dream.

Before you were born, angels were assigned to help and guide you throughout your journey of life. You do not need to know our names. In our realms, names are simply a unique vibration of energy. You do not need to worry about what we want from you. We want nothing from you. We want only for you the loving life that you, yourself, wish to create. Continue reading

Sacred Love

sacred loveAA Michael – Beloved masters, we ask you to pause for a moment and turn inward as you quickly move into your sacred heart center. Take a deep breath and tap into your sacred mind as well. Now ponder these questions: what is it that you yearn for above all things? What is missing from your life that affects everything you think, feel and do? The answer is sacred love.

We do not mean love as you now experience it in the physical realm, but the sacred love of your oversoul higher self, the many facets of your higher self, and ultimately your twin flame − as well as your soul family in the higher realms, your wondrous angelic friends, the great beings of light, and our father/mother god and the supreme creator.

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Animal Consciousness [Video]

Animal Consciousness: The Divinity of Cats & Dogs (The Sacred Felidae)

“The Felidae are Divine Intelligence, fully evolved, magnificently conscious in crystalline expression. They are members of both the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance, and of what may be termed the Niburian Mastery Council. Both of whom are benevolently involved in the up shift of the consciousness evolution of planets and planetary races who are prepared to graduate into the next level in their Ascension.” AA Metatron


SF Source James Tyberonn June 24 2014

The Door Is Always Open

“Many of life’s circumstances are created by three basic choices: the disciplines you choose to keep, the people you choose to be with, and the laws you choose to obey.” ~Charles Millhuff


Jafree Ozwald ~ You are free to leave this experience called suffering. You already have an out of jail pass. The key is to surrender to the Source of who you are, and let go of ALL your ideas about who you think you are. You can move through any imprisoned feeling that arises and drop into a deeper oceanic experience within your being. This is the promise of total surrender of the ego. It causes you to see the Divinity you truly are! You can relax about everything…yes everything! Just let go of anything your mind clings to the moment you notice it is clinging to any idea. This experience of letting go is quite easy. In fact, it is absolutely effortless! Just experience this moment as it is, and drop any clinging you have to how it “should” be. It’s that easy.

Who says that transcending years of struggle, emotional pain and personal suffering has to be hard? What if your life on Earth is meant to be much easier and simpler than you’ve made it out to be? You can change anything around! Just take a deep breath and relax your body. Breathe easily. You are divinely guided by a higher Being. There is an awesome intelligence inside you, showing you the way home to this state of being internally free. Only through a deep surrender to your Self, can you find this angelic guiding presence inside you now.

“When we feel stuck, going nowhere, even starting to slip backward… we may actually be backing up to get a running start.” ~Dan Millman

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10 Universal Relationship Truths

Jafree Ozwald & Margot Zaher  November 8 2013


The following information will assist you in creating a heart opening soul-based relationship in your life. By applying these Universal truths everyday you’ll empower yourself to manifest a relationship that works for you, not against you. When you are connecting with another from this soul based perspective, everything changes. Your most expansive loving energy hidden inside you shines brighter, which naturally makes you a guiding light helping all beings find their way home. The secret is knowing that every relationship doesn’t actually exist on the “outside”, yet is always being projected from within. At your very core you always have a connection with the divine, and this is found through those beings in the world with whom are placed in your path and are here relating to.

NOTE: When you read each message, read it slowly so it sinks deeply into your body. Take your time to digest each message before moving onto the next one. You’ll know when the message is consumed inside when there is a feeling of peace each time that you read through it. Enjoy!

1. The greatest love of your life is within you. Dwell on the idea of an infinite love is within you now. Rest in the feeling that arises from meditating on this idea. Relax into this feeling sooo deeply that it permeates your innermost being. This way you have found your Source of love and are free from relying on your partner for feelings of love and validation. Continue reading