Patterns Are Changing

Terri Newlon  November 21 2013

Djwhal KhulDjwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. The patterns are changing again as always. In fact we’re in quite a state of fluctuation, generally speaking. We have the Sun entering Sagittarius, which is a nice fire sign. It can bring more focus or more drive and more energy into your life and I would say use focus: think of the archer aiming at the bull’s eye and achieving that goal.

So you want to zero in energetically on what is your most important bull’s eye at this point. It might be your spiritual growth, it might be emotional balance, it might be a physical healing. Maybe a change in attitude. Maybe a very specific goal like just getting through the upcoming holiday, or whatever it is. So use that Sun in Sag for your focus.

Also starting to take note of the comet Ison a bit more because it is affecting the nature or the psyche to a fairly good degree now. We have some other reverberations going on in the galaxy that tend to irritate emotions or elevate mood swings.

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Truth & Belief Systems

Terri Newlon  August 8 2013

Ascended masterDjwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. Today I want to talk about Truth and Belief Systems, really kind of stemming originally out of a typo in the Forecast. We were referencing a Spirituality Article dated June 6, 2013, which is actually titled “Trust & Belief System”.

However we’re going to be having Mercury entering Leo, a lot of activity with self-expression and communicating with others effectively. Then we have really kind of over the weekend some strong configurations that are going to be a bit difficult especially on Sunday August 11. A lot of squaring off that is going to affect a lot of things actually: Jupiter, Pluto, Mars, Saturn and then opposition also with the Moon in Libra and Uranus. So we’re going to be having conflicts and maybe a lot of indecision or rash decisions that then cause trouble.

So Truth and Belief Systems. I think I’ll address that a little bit here. Truth is relative and most truth is based upon a belief system. So if you studied psychology in school and then you know it is true that this emotion is always connected with that action, or whatever. Or medicine: it is true that when you have these symptoms you have that disease or whatever it is.

Then you develop your own personal truths and then you can transcend them because belief systems change, they evolve. We can say that that is the constant change in the universe, that evolution will continue.

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Separation Is Illusion

Terri Newlon  August 1 2013

consciousnessDjwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. We have some very interesting things coming up this week that I want to point out to you. Those that follow the Quarterly Forecast there is more detail in that teaching but on August 4 we have really kind of an opportunity to work with healing separation. It’s a Sun-Uranus-Chiron energy.

Then we have a New Moon coming up that is very, very potent. I’m going to do a Tele-seminar that day called “Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself” because it is such a potent time to harness the healing energy. Then right after that is the end of Ramadan.
So you can really work consciously with the energies now.

I want to address the topic of separation as an illusion. The truth of Creation is that it is an interconnected mesh. I could liken it to charged particles. We know of those in space but that’s really what your body is: charged particles. You have charged energy everywhere.

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Feminine Power

Terri Newlon May 9 2013

Djwhal KhulDjwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. We’re looking here at the New Moon with a solar eclipse and it’s right in the middle of two other eclipses poised on the Full Moon on either side of this New Moon. It’s an extremely potent time.

As we get into Mother’s Day we are also coming upon a time when we are reaching really kind of an exalted feminine power, all coming very rapidly.

Now the good news is if you’re opening the heart center and releasing old emotions from the Solar Plexus, not holding on to the past, then the feminine power is probably alive and quite well. If one is holding on to a masculine way, then there is going to be what I would call kind of a downward spiral or almost like a vacuum sucking one down into the lower emotional fields which causes then the masculine behavior to become aggressive, filled with anger, hatred, revenge, that sort of thing.

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Wesak And Eclipses

Terri Newlon April 25 2013

Djwhal KhulDjwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. This particular Wesak is extremely potent because it is the first one since the end of the old cycle and it is on a lunar eclipse, then in two weeks a solar eclipse, then another lunar eclipse on the next Full Moon. So within a one-month cycle, three eclipses.

This is a Wesak of major transformation. If you didn’t already do the Wesak celebration that was done live on Earth Day, that is still available on the website, if you want the full journey and meditation.

However in the meantime I’m going to say: change, change and keep changing. It is going to be shifting gears, changing, last minute yoyo kind of thing. So those who like certain patterns, habits, and are not as flexible are going to have a harder time in this cycle.

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