Susan Alexander’s fascinating DNA music

DNAJill Mattson – Again, a scientific team measured four base DNA molecules: adenine, cytosine, guanine and thymine. Each molecule after being subjected to light, yielded about 15 or 18 frequencies; 60 in all. These notes could not be found on our pianos.

The tuning system on ordinary keyboards is an artificial one, based on and adapted from the natural harmonic series. Around the time of J.S. Bach, equal temperament as a favored tuning system came into being to solve the problem of modulating through different keys. (Bach did not entirely welcome it. Its sound was inferior to the sweet concordances of just intonation). Continue reading

Those Strange Paracas Elongated Skulls Once Again

elongated skullsJoseph P Farrell – On a few occasions I’ve blogged about those strange elongated (and apparently humanoid) skulls that were found near Paracas, Peru several years ago. My approach has been one of guarded skepticism and at the same time, my usual “high octane speculation.” My usual method when indulging in such speculations has been (1) to assume for the sake of that speculation that a strange or anomalous story is true, and then (2) to speculate on its implications.

Paracas elongated skullWell, today’s story from V.T. who spotted and shared it deserves a big thank you, because this latest development brings more into focus what my previous speculations on these strange skulls might imply:

DNA Results Show The Elongated Paracas Skulls Are Not Native American Continue reading

Unlock Your DNA To Access Higher Knowledge

dna Barbara Marciniak – DNA carries the coding, for this genetic material and its helixes are made up of light-encoded filaments — tiny gossamer threads that carry information the way fiber optics systems do.

The pillar of light that you use to activate yourself and to bring information into your body is also composed of light-encoded filaments. These light-encoded filaments carry a vast amount of data and information, and your body is filled with them.

When bundled together and placed in a certain alignment, the lightencoded filaments work together and release information that makes sense of the history they carry. Continue reading

DNA Is Morphing

DNATeri Wade – In this Universe everything is energy and that is a fact. It means we are living in a timeless and space-less energy light that manifests itself as you, me, trees, birds, every soul, the stars, the planet and all that exists in the Multiverse. Everything is one and everything is connected.

Everything is interdependent because nothing can exist in an isolated state without a purpose, a reason to be there. We need food to grow, but the food needs us to be grown. Living in this third dimensional existence is tough. If our planet was too close to the sun it would be too hot, if our planet was too far from the sun it would be too cold either way life could not sustain itself. But, we can say that everything is as it should be and everyone is placed where they are meant to be, where they choose to be.

Everything is in divine order even if it appears incredibly chaotic. Continue reading

Harvard University Uncovers DNA Switch That Allows Whole-Body Regeneration

DNASean Adl-Tabatabai – Harvard 18University scientists have uncovered the DNA switch that controls genes for whole-body regeneration, paving the way to allow humans to regrow limbs.

Some animals are able to achieve extraordinary feats of repair, such as salamanders which grow back legs, or geckos which can shed their tails to escape predators and then grow new ones in a matter of weeks.

Yahoo News reports: Planarian worms, jellyfish, and sea anemones go even further, actually regenerating their entire bodies after being cut in half.

Now scientists have discovered that in worms, a section of non-coding or ‘junk’ DNA controls the activation of a ‘master control gene’ called early growth response (EGR) which acts like a power switch, turning regeneration on or off. Continue reading