Owen K Waters ~ Being As Well As Doing

OwenKWatersMany spiritual seekers have a nagging doubt about life, one which comes and goes and sometimes troubles them deeply. They intuitively feel that they are here on Earth to help humanity, but they just can’t seem to figure out what exactly they are supposed to be doing about it.

The problem really comes from our current training in Western society. We are taught, from a very early age, to do things and achieve outward results, to build monuments of our outward ‘doingness’ for all to see.

But, what about ‘beingness?’

The answer to the dilemma lies in understanding that there is a difference between doing and being, and your state of being does make a difference. It actually affects the mass consciousness of the world. As pointed out in the article, You Are Changing The World, the research behind the Hawkins Scale of Consciousness reveals the enormous power of just being, especially when you raise your consciousness in order to be the best you can be. You can support literally millions of people on planet Earth just by virtue of who you are, by being a person conscious at one of the higher chakra levels. Continue reading