7 Quotes To Help You Stop Feeding Your “I’m Not Good Enough” Demons

Angela Swift – The fear of not being good enough is so common it even has a ‘scientific’ name: Atelophobia! It’s the biggest saboteur in your dream creating world. When we have dreams and we have hopes and we have visions… the Not Good Enough (NGE) demon will disrupt, derail, and disarm you time and time again.

Stop and take stock of how big this fear may be for you: are you doing all the ‘right things’ but feeling like Sisyphus – that blasted rock will NOT roll up the hill in a flow-state (or even with brute force). Does this sound familiar?

So here are 7 quotes to help illuminate the shadowy world of the ‘Not God Enough’ demons.

1. “If it’s not hard, you’re not dreaming big enough.” Oprah Winfrey

2. “When you’re trying to motivate yourself, appreciate the fact that you’re even thinking about making a change.” – Alice Domar

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Permission To Dream


I sat here thinking of what would inspire, challenge, encourage and empower each of you which was really a challenge for there are so many things to share. As I thought more about the concept, I kept hearing “Give them Permission to Dream”.

We have all had dreams at one time in our life and then life got in the way. I challenge you today to stop and take a deep breath and repeat these words:

I, ______________, give myself permission to dream, visualize and step in faith to set goals that will take me to where I want to be. I give myself permission to dream from this moment forward and I will always remember or remind myself that I, ______________, now have permission to dream and visualize.

By saying this repeatedly you will begin to dream and visualize where you want to go. Do not be discouraged if it takes you some time to be able to move forward, it is okay. The key is to keep moving forward and believe in you.

We must have dreams and be able to visualize moving forward. Not doing so is why many find themselves stuck. Many have been told that if they dream they are lazy and waste time. Know this – the opposite is true. If you dream you will become successful.

Think about all the millionaires and stars, they dreamed and moved forward. I am sure they had opposition however they chose not to embrace the nay-sayers and I encourage you to do the same.

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To Be Successful In Life You Have To Believe In Yourself

Inspire Me Today | September 19 2012

To be successful in life you have to believe in yourself first before you consider stepping into the business world. You can do anything and be successful as long as you have faith and determination. ~ Geir Ness

I did not realize the level of sacrifice that would be required to become not only an entrepreneur, but a successful entrepreneur. I wish I had understood the value of investing when I started out. I would done the things that I needed to do in order to “produce” and to make money very differently.

The most important rule I have learned in life is to never, ever give up, no matter how difficult the situation may be. For every situation there is a solution!

We dream and we dream big, but dreams are one thing – bringing them into reality takes a leap of faith, courage and discipline. There will always be obstacles along the way with twists and turns – but somehow as my mother always says -“once you keep putting your foot out into the universe you must move forward. With certainty somehow the universe will respond” and your goals and plans will unfold.

We all are our own success and we got a great gift – our minds to think and create and build. I truly believe that each one of us has a great mind and great minds can accomplish great things.

To succeed and to know your steps you will have to capture the power of success, by educating yourself.

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