Space Fence II – Ahriman War in the Heavens [Video]

Alexandra Bruce – Dark Journalist, Daniel Liszt welcomes back author, Elana Freeland for Part 2 of an exclusive preview of her controversial new book, coming out in early 2017.

The book covers a covert program that can surveil and catalog the entire globe and the physical life upon it, through its DNA signature. It’s called “The Space Fence”.

The Space Fence is a high tech project that combines elements of HAARP, SDI-“Star Wars” technology, in a program to ionize the atmosphere, to mutate the human immune system. There are also psycho-spiritual aspects embedded in the project as it suggests a deep level of esoteric understanding, in order for it to be successful.

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Level 9 News Reveals Chilling AI Technocratic Agenda – and Herself on John B Wells’ C2M [Video]

Alexandra BruceLevel 9 News’s DJ finally reveals herself – as well as the technocratic agenda for total control of the human race on this episode of John B Wells’ Caravan to Midnight.

They discuss the recent release of the Pentagon’s HSCOI & Human System Roadmap AI warfare program, which reads straight out of James Cameron’s ‘Terminator’ dystopian Hollywood sci-fi film franchise. It employs the use of Lethal Autonomous Weapons (LAWs) and Lethal Autonomous Robots (LARs), which will be entirely controlled by Artificial Intelligence. We are moving from a strategy-based system of control to a technology-based one.

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The Tyranny Of One Man’s Opinion

dronesAndrew Napolitano – Thomas Cromwell was the principal behind-the-scenes fixer for much of the reign of King Henry VIII. He engineered the interrogations, convictions and executions of many whom Henry needed out of the way, including his two predecessors as fixer and even the king’s second wife, Queen Anne.

When Cromwell’s son, Gregory, who became sickened as he watched his father devolving from counselor to monster, learned that an executioner for the queen had been sent for from France a week before her conviction, he asked his father what the purpose of her trial was if the king had preordained the queen’s guilt and prepaid the executioner. Cromwell replied that the king needed a jury to give legitimacy to her conviction and prevent the public perception of “the tyranny of one man’s opinion.”

In America, we have a Constitution not only to prevent the perception but also to prevent the reality of the tyranny of one man’s opinion. The Constitution’s Fifth Amendment makes clear that if the government wants life, liberty or property, it cannot take it by legislation or executive command; it can do so only by due process — a fair jury trial and all its constitutional protections.

The constitutional insistence upon due process was the result of not only the Colonial revulsion at the behavior of Henry and his successors but also the recognition of the natural individual right to fairness from the government. If one man in the government becomes prosecutor, judge and jury, there can be no fairness, no matter who that man is or what his intentions may be. That is at least the theory underlying the requirements for due process. Continue reading