Choosing the Right Appliances Suited To Your Lifestyle

washerNo home can be complete without the right appliances. They are the most important things in our lives, some of which have been designed to share our workload and some to offer us comfort and entertainment. All thanks to the advancement in technology and energy efficiency, the choice of appliances available today is a lot better and bigger.

Selecting the right appliances from the varied choices available can not only make our lives a lot easier, but it can also enhance the look of our homes. Now an important question is how do you make the right choice from such a huge available variety? Well, all you need to do is follow some simple tips and suggestions shared below. Continue reading

Don’t Throw Dryer Sheets Away — Here Are 45 Different Ways To Use Them

 WARNING: Dryer sheets contain all sorts of nasty chemicals. Take FEBREEZE, for example:

“This is likely to be the worst dryer product on the consumer market because of its added “Febreze”, whose main ingredient is dichlorobenzene. This extremely carcinogenic solvent is used to manufacture paint thinners. It is hidden in plain sight using the marketing name “Febreze”. It is readily absorbed into the body through both the lungs and the skin. The chemicals of “Febreze” are known to cause respiratory distress and sudden heart attacks in otherwise healthy people. Benzene compounds transform into DDT compounds when exposed to chlorine compounds, such as those found in tap water, laundry bleaching agents, and the ingredients of Febreze. These issues have been known throughout the chemical industry for approximately 60 years, so none of the toxicity is accidental. It is exactly how Febreze “works” — by poisoning the mucous membranes to cripple a victim’s sense of smell. The “freshness” of Febreze comes from a chemically-crippled immune system” – The Toxicity of Dryer Sheets

dryer sheets
De-static hair: If your hair is static-y because of the weather or lack of humidity, wipe down your brushes and combs with a dryer sheet as well as use the sheet to smooth away any fly-aways.

Megan Willett – I’ve been using dryer sheets in my laundry for years. And unsurprisingly, I’d throw them away once I was done.

But it turns out I might have been losing out on hundreds of dollars in savings by not re-purposing those same used dryer sheets into Swifter pads, dusters, bathroom cleaners, and more.

From cleaning oven racks overnight to warding off insects, keep reading to see the 45 things you can do with dryer sheets.


Clean bugs off from of car: Take a used or new dryer sheet and get it wet. Wring it out and wipe down your car — the bugs will just slough off without ruining your paint job.

Ward off bugs: Turns out, there’s actually some science to back up this old wives tale, according to Smithsonian Magazine. If you keep a dryer sheet in your pocket, it will keep away bugs because it has both linalool, a toxin that is found in lavender and basil, as well as beta-citronella, which is used to repel mosquitoes.

Start a fire: You can use any old dryer sheets you have lying around as kindling to start a fire — plus, it will smell pretty good, too.

Freshen your car: Keep an open box of dryer sheets in your car. The sheets will make your call smell like laundry for well over three months, and if you ever need a freshness pick up, you can rub a sheet on your clothes.
Personal Appearance

De-static hair: If your hair is static-y because of the weather or lack of humidity, wipe down your brushes and combs with a dryer sheet as well as use the sheet to smooth away any fly-aways.

Deodorant marks: If you get any deodorant marks on your shirt, take a used dryer sheet and crumple it into a ball and rub the fabric with short, quick strokes. This should erase any marks.

Get rid of static cling: If your dress or shirt are sticking to you because of static, rub the underside of the shirt as well as your body with a dryer sheet.

Take off glitter nail polish: Glitter polish on your nails is fun, but the glitter can be extremely hard to get off. Dryer sheets soaked in nail polish remover will easily help you remove glitter nail polish with minimal scrubbing.


Vacuum cleaner bag: If your vacuum is starting to have a weird smell or you just want your entire home to smell like laundry, place a dryer sheet inside the vacuum bag. It will deodorize any musk and make each room smell amazing.

Keeps clothes fresh while traveling: Place a dryer sheet in your suitcase — it will keep you clothes smelling amazing and fresh, no matter how long it takes you to reach your destination.

Deodorize shoes: Stick balled up dryer sheets in shoes to get rid of any unwanted smells. They’ll neutralize and even improve odors overnight.

Deodorize dirty clothes: Place a dryer sheet at the bottom of your hamper to keep your dirty clothes from stinking up your room. Even a single sheet goes a long way.

Freshen a room: If you have an air conditioner, you can place a dryer sheet on top of the filter. It will stay put even without any tape and will make your entire room smell amazing. You can do the same thing by taping a dryer sheet to any heating or air conditioning vent in the home, too.

Deodorize a diaper bag: Keep your diaper bag smelling fresh by placing a few strategic dryer sheets in the pockets. If you roll up a dirty diaper, stick another dryer sheet in there to help with any odor.

Make books smell fresh: Most people love the smell of books, but if your books are smelling too moldy for your taste, stick a dryer sheet within the pages. It also makes a handy bookmark.

Freshen your pillowcase: To keep you sheets smelling fresh for longer, stick a dryer sheet inside your pillow cases as well as under your sheets between the mattress.

Keep drawers smelling good: Throw a few dryer sheets in your drawers or closet before adding back in your clothes. Your shirts and pants will smell amazing, even if they sit in there for months.

Hide inside the toilet paper roll: Stick a rolled up dryer sheet inside your toilet paper roll. Every time the roll spins, there will be a burst of scent.

DIY smoke freshener: If you smoke, you can blow it through a toilet paper tube with a dryer sheet attached on one end secured with a rubber band. This will go a long way towards keeping your room from smelling like smoke.

Keep storage items smelling fresh: When you pack anything like camping gear or winter clothes away, throw in a dryer sheet to keep them smelling great until you need them again.

Remove hard-to-get-rid-of odors: If you have any really offensive odors that you just can’t get rid of (think vomit stains or worse), place a few dryer sheets on the area and sprinkle with coffee grounds. Leave it over night, and it should smell like new by morning.


Clean paint brushes: Place dirty paintbrushes in a sink full of warm water and add a dryer sheet. Wait a few hours or overnight before washing off the paint. You’ll find it very easy to remove. Continue reading . . .

SF Source Yahoo News June 2015