Why The Democrats’ Double Duplicity Will Fail

Democrat duplicityJ. Deane Waldman – Duplicity is fundamental to the Democrats’ entire political operation. They say one thing and do another, simple hypocrisy, and then double the duplicity by falsely accusing others of doing what they just did. This is progressive Democrats’ primary political tactic.

Democrats claim that Republicans are racist. Yet progressives push an ideology, CRT, that labels white people as oppressors, they are the racists. They viciously attack black women such as Winsome Sears (Lieutenant-Governor of Virginia) and talk show host Candace Owens because they are conservative. Democrats’ duplicity is doubled as they exonerate progressive activists who hate and attack conservatives. Continue reading

Afghanistan 15 Years Later with Michel Chossudovsky [Audio Podcast]

afghanistanJames Corbett – 15 years later, the US and its NATO allies still have troops in Afghanistan with no plans on leaving. We were told this was about 9/11 and Osama Bin Laden, but these were lies. So why are the troops still there? What was the war in Afghanistan really about?

Michel Chossudovsky of the Centre for Research on Globalization joins us to explain.

Show Notes
  • Afghanistan archives at GlobalResearch.ca
  • Afghanistan: Thirty-two Years of War. Ten Years of Illegal Occupation
  • “The War is Worth Waging”: Afghanistan’s Vast Reserves of Minerals and Natural Gas
  • Afghanistan, Garden of Empire: America’s Multibillion Dollar Opium Harvest

SF Source The Corbett Report Sept. 2016

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