‘Colossal space object, possible alien superstructure, found 1,500 light-years from Earth’

Prof. Michio Kaku

Shepard Ambellas – Have you ever wondered if intelligent life exists somewhere else other than on the planet Earth?

Well wonder no more because top futurist, theoretical physicist, Michio Kaku just let the cat out of the bag and what he had to say may shock you!

“This could be the biggest story in the past five-hundred years,” Michio Kaku explained.

You see the Kepler Telescope team has been monitoring a particular star named “KIC 8462852″, first discovered in 2009, for quite some time now and what the operators have found is simply amazing.

Kaku said that “this star is breaking all the rules” and that “we would have to rewrite astronomy text books” to think anything different.

“Basically if a planet eclipses a Mother Star, goes in front of the Mother Star, starlight drops maybe one percent at maximum–however starlight has been dropping at twenty-two percent,” Kaku explained.

“There is a colossal, humongous, object of some sort blocking the starlight from this star.”

“We’ve ruled out all of the usual suspects; rouge planets, comets, asteroids” and the only thing left is an ‘alien superstructure’ of some type. Continue reading