7 Foods And Herbs To Fight The Common Cold

NaturalSociety  November 26 2013

While some people only experience the sniffles during the cold season of sickness, most individuals will undoubtedly battle a nasty cold or even the flu. And while we’re conditioned to praise vaccines and pharmacy solutions to survive, you really don’t have to load up on over-the-counter medications to feel better. There are plenty of foods and herbs that can reduce the severity of your symptoms and even help you get over the cold more quickly.

Here are 7 immune-boosting foods to help you overcome and prevent sickness: Continue reading

4 Foods To Naturally Prevent Colds, Cough, And Respiratory Infections

Natural Society March 15 2013

Common cold
Kiwi Fruit

Coughs, colds, and illnesses in general are more common in cold winter months, as we stay out of the sun, producing little to no vitamin D, and stay indoors exchanging germs with everyone. Though spring is around the corner, boosting your immune system to fight potential respiratory infections is never a bad idea. You don’t have to wait to treat a cold or cough when you are in the thick of it – you can use natural means to prevent sickness before it shows up.

The foundation of preventing respiratory infections is found in a healthy, strong immune system. If your immune system is functioning properly, you will be able to fight off illnesses with little to no conscious effort on your part. Although there are many factors to consider for strengthening your immune system, such as minimizing stress and avoiding toxins, a healthy immune system starts with the diet.

Eating whole, natural foods rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and other important plant compounds will nurture a healthy body. Steering clear of highly processed foods including over processed carbs and sugar will create a healing environment within your body, one where illness cannot thrive.

You can also add these 4 natural healers and immune boosters to your repertoire:


Kiwi is a natural immune booster containing numerous immune-boosting vitamins and minerals – namely vitamin C. Research has repeatedly shown vitamin C to encourage healthy immune function. One study involving military personnel who lived in close quarters found those who take vitamin C had a significantly lessened risk of contracting the common cold (45-91%) and of contracting pneumonia (80-100%).

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5 Ways To Strengthen Your Immune System

Natural Society January 31 2013

It’s flu season, and even if you don’t fall ill like Piers Morgan after publicly receiving a flu shot from Dr. Oz, you still run the risk of getting sick. Particularly in the colder months, when we are sitting inside more often, our houses are closed up, and we stay in close quarters—it’s the perfect time for illness to thrive. But, when you take precautions to keep your immune system running on high, you can skip the tissues and even natural cold remedies, and coast through winter without a second thought. Here are 5 ways to supercharge and strengthen your immune system.

1. Strengthen Your Immune System – Eliminate Sugar

There are many ways to boost your immune system, but eliminating sugar is one of the first steps. Sugar puts a serious damper on your immune system, in addition to increasing your risk of disease. When the recommended daily sugar intake is 25 grams and a single bottle of Coke contains as much as 60 grams, we know the modern diet is way too immersed in the sweet stuff.

If you want to seriously boost your health and reduce your risk of numerous health issues like obesity and diabetes, seriously consider reducing sugar intake. Opt for a bit of honey or a natural sweetener like Stevia instead.

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Herbal Flu Prevention And Flu Treatment Remedies

NaturalNews | January 21 2013

The Boneset Plant (Eupatorium perfoliatum)

Herbs can soothe the coughs and pain of the flu. Taking these herbs daily during flu season can build immunity. Taking them when you have the ful can reduce the symptoms and even shorten the duration of your stay-at-home flu days. Herbs can reduce your fever, soothe a sore throat, and calm a stomach ache. Drink a few cups of herb tea daily to stave off and prevent the flu. Try some of the suggested herbs below for flu prevention and flu symptoms relief.

Herbal flu remedies

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