Love And Value Yourself

Inspire Me Today | April 6 2012

Your ability to attract love in your life is directly tied to your ability to love and value yourself, so never settle for less than your true heart’s desire! ~ Orna Walters

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I’d want to pass along to others…For the majority of my life I felt flawed. Not slightly flawed, drastically flawed.I see now that I was simply so desperate to feel wanted, desired, cherished, cared for – any version of love that would show up I would grab hold and not let go…I feared it was all I would ever get.

I would do anything to “prove” my worth – going above and beyond the call of duty many times, only to find heartbreak, disappointment and betrayal.

Each heartbreak, disappointment and betrayal then only solidified what I felt in my heart to be true – I was damaged, beyond repair, like the sofa you put out on the curb for the city to take to the dump. Although unlike the sofa, I had never felt loved – even when shiny, clean and new.

My deepest, darkest secret was that I felt UN-Loveable.

I never even had the wish that someone would actually commit to loving me forever.

When I would get quiet I would ask myself, “What do I want? What do I really want?”

Every time the answer was LOVE.

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