Antarctica-Atlantis And Edgar Cayce’s Poseidian Fire Crystal [Video]

Dark Journalist – In this fascinating part 2 episode. Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Oxford Scholar Dr. Joseph Farrell to analyze the strange history and the recent peculiar happenings around the mysterious icy continent of Antarctica.

The possibility that Antarctica once formed a part of Atlantis in ancient times is explored, along with the idea that a pole shift took place 12,000 years ago and may be responsible for its current position on the globe. Edgar Cayce’s unique vision of the enigmatic Atlantean ‘Mighty, Terrible Fire Crystal’ or ‘Tuaoi Stone’ which powered the lost civilization is theorized as being the cause for the destruction and inundation of Atlantis. Continue reading

Jeff Rense ~ Edgar Cayce Called Russia ‘The Hope Of The World’

“We are at the edge, seemingly very much along the lines ‘seen’ by Cayce over 60 years ago in the final year of his life.”  – Jeff Rense

EdgarCayceThe readings of America’s greatest psychic remain an extraordinary body of data which often stagger the reader with its prescience and projections of future events.  Many years ago, during the cold war, I remember reading about how Cayce claimed – while in one of his self-induced trance sessions – some remarkable things about Russia.

Today, much of the world views Russia and the brilliant leadership of Vladimir Putin as the only hope of stopping the malignant and deadly spread of world zionism.  The signing of the new Russian-Iranian strategic gas and oil agreement on Sunday, July 13, further seems to underscore that any attack on Iran may bring Russia directly and immediately into the conflict on the side of peace and the preservation of a free and independent Middle East and – some would argue by extension – the world.

The following two excerpts from Edgar Cayce readings are quite extraordinary by any measure.


In this first short example, Cayce – in the 1930s – indicated the ‘sins’ of the key nations: Continue reading

Codes Of The Law Of One

Crystal skullJames Tyberonn – Greetings Beloved, I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I encircle each of you with Unconditional Love.

Dear Human, the heralded Ascension awaits you, and it takes place on the 12-12-12, for it is that date that the ascending expansion occurs that enable the rebirth of the Earth on December 21,2012.

Masters, be aware that the 12-12-12 is the date of culmination, and each of you have a proactive role in this hallowed and sacred occurrence that YOU made happen! Continue reading

From Russia Comes Hope For The World

Edgar Cayce
Lake Baikal – James Tyberonn with Russian Shaman in traditional Buryat Ceremonial Dress

Lake Baikal – James Tyberonn with Russian Shaman in traditional Buryat Ceremonial DressIn 1944 acclaimed psychic Edgar Cayce channeled an incredible reading about Russia: Quoted verbatim below…

“Through Russia comes the hope of the world. Not in respect to what is sometimes termed Communism or Bolshevism – no! But of freedom – true freedom, that each man will live for his fellow man. The principle has been born there. It will take years for it to be crystallized; yet out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.” – Edgar Cayce Continue reading

The Pineal & Crystal Bio Stargate

Earth Keeper Newsletter | May 18 2012

Mechanics of Law of Belief

DescartesGreetings Masters !! I am Metatron Lord of Light, and I greet you in Unconditional Love.

In this gathering, we discuss a fine aspect of Conscious Creation, the Law and mechanics of manifestation. We speak of the Bio-Crystal Stargate computer: the Pineal.

The Pineal

Through the ages it has been known that the Pineal is the interface between the higher dimensions and the physical realm. It can be said then to be the gateway between the ego personality, brain and the Divine Mind. It has been termed by metaphysicians such as Descartes and Edgar Cayce as being the ‘Seat of the Soul’. In a very real manner of speaking, the Pineal Gland is a ‘Bio-Stargate’. It is a bridge from physical to non-physical, from duality to higher dimension. It is extremely complex, and is the screen from 3d brain to Infinite Mind.

The pineal is the agent of advancing knowing into reality manifestation. The pineal works with the pituitary to open the bridge, the gateway between the physical and nonphysical, between brain and mind. Whatever knowledge you allow yourself to believe can only become a reality by the pineal first opening the gate to the Divine. It does this by interpreting the frequency of thought into a thermal bio chemical electrical current throughout your body and opening to mind.

Your human brain transforms the thoughts you generate into thousands of bio-chemicals every second. Not every thought of the ordinary brain reaches into Higher Mind, as we have explained.

Crystalline Pineal Filter

The issue most humans have in not changing their beliefs is blind acceptance of mental 3d programming. You can think positive thoughts, think positive change, but if in your deeper mind you doubt they will occur, then they will not.

Every emotion you feel, very moment of joy and fear produces a chemical enzyme in your body. Some become springboards, others as obstructions. Each passes to the Pineal. The Pineal is a finely tuned calcitic crystal that is piezoelectric, somewhat in the manner of quartz. It is a frequency screen, a filter of sorts.

According to the frequency of a thought or emotion, the Pineal is the guardian of what goes into the creative portal of Divine Mind. This is in a very functional manner, a protection mechansim that prevents some negative thoughts from being manifested. But it also prevents any thought that has a negative field from entering. Negative thoughts including fear, doubt and the like. But understand it works both ways. Accordinglky any intent that you strongly or subtly doubt, cannot enter into beleif programming. Do you understand?

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