Philanthropists, Trust Accounts, Dirty Money and Theft

Katherine Frisk – The spotlight recently fell on Baron David de Rothschild and Benjamin de Rothschild. But knowing the history of the family, anyone who invests with any Rothschild, needs their head read because they should know better. A brief recap on how the Rothschild family got their foot in the door :

As the famous story goes during the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, Rothschild made use of carrier pigeons. Bankers and investors never have, do not , and never will care about who wins any war, because in their eyes all wars are opportunities for pillage, plunder and making more money.

While we in our stupidity continuously fall for hating “the other,” – pick one – there are so many to choose from, soldiering on with millions of lives lost, homes, cities and nations destroyed, the bankers are rubbing their hands in glee, time to fleece the masses.

And so Rothschild fleeced England. His carrier pigeon told him that Wellington had won, so he sold all his stock waiting for the lemmings to follow suit, which they duly did interpreting his actions as a victory for Napoleon. When the stock had plummeted, he went back and bought it all up at rock bottom prices and when the news broke that it was an English victory not a French one, he made a fortune off the stupidity of others.

Nothing has changed and people still entrust their wealth to this family.

David fleeced British pensioners through the Rothschild Financial Services Group scheme between 2005 and 2008. If they do not care about the very real consequences of war, you can be sure that they do not give a damn about old age pensioners who after a lifetime of work have now had everything stolen from them by one of the richest families in Europe.

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