Harmonic Attunement

Harmonic AttunementElva Thompson – In my last post, we talked about the incoming energy of the Shift of Ages, and what it means for our physical and spiritual evolution. The energy is transforming our perception whether we realise it or not, and many people are waking up to the truth about our world. The veils are slowly falling. We have lost trust in our governments and their alphabet agencies, lost trust in big pharma and their poisonous drugs, and we are beginning to see the electromagnetic control grid being constructed all around us. We are awake. Continue reading

What Remains

SacredScribe May 24 2013

Early morning unfolds.

The sun rises, a crow caws, a breeze moves, a seagull soars, a deer grazes, the heart beats, the lungs breathe, the body stretches, coffee steams, tongue tastes, cat purrs.

Love Is.

The greatest blessing of being alive, is being awareness itself, and noticing the infinite abundance and beauty of life.

The truth is, there is no such thing as lack.

Only the personal, psychological, hypnotized mind believes in lack.

Beingness knows nothing about it.

Experiencing a true state of abundance has nothing to do with success, money, or material things.

These are impermanent and limited, and are simply a result of believing in an individual, personal, separate existence.

Abundance has everything to do with consciousness, and knowing we are that.

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