Egypt Knew No Pharaoh Nor Moses

“The scale of the Septuagint deception is so scary in its seemingly perpetual effects that it continues to define the beliefs of Mr. Jonas E. Alexis and other Millions of gullible believers” – Dr. A Ezzat

ancientDr. Ashraf Ezzat – In a recent article, published on VT, Mr. Jonas E. Alexis has reviewed my kindle ebook (Egypt knew no Pharaohs nor Israelites)

Mr. Alexis has set off his (awfully long) critique by claiming (actually misleading many readers) I had no shred of evidence nor had I incorporated (in the book) any scholarly work/investigation to corroborate my thesis/claim. I’m not sure, as a physician, how bad Mr. Alexis’s myopia is, but I believe it’s seriously alarming.

Mr. Alexis claimed to have read my book. Though I can’t deny his claim I’m certain he failed, through what must have been a hasty reading, to discern the objective/goal of my book. Interestingly and as a reminder, I’ve included in the final ‘Conclusion’ chapter all the evidence-based findings (around 15 of them) that supported my theory in a concise (easy to recollect) manner (and I’m not talking speculations but hard-hitting evidences)

My book is debunking the ancient Israelite stories ever happened on Egyptian soil, most of all Moses and Pharaoh Story (a huge claim many scholars know is true but they prefer, out of fears for their own safety, to whisper about it behind closed doors) But I don’t get paid (by Biblically intoxicated institutions) nor abide by Zionist paradigms in my work, like most Egyptologists, so why the hell should I join the whispering chickens’ club.

ancientI’ve supported my thesis by including the work of western and Arabic scholars; the former have archeologically refuted that Egypt was the land of the Israelite Exodus and the latter unearthed the Arabian origin of not only the Israelite stories, but also of Judaism as ancient Arabian cult (the mainstream concept that ancient Palestine witnessed the inception of Judaism is an age-old delusion)

The western scholars who have refuted/denied the Exodus took place in Egypt and whose researches are cited in my book are; Israel Finkelstein, Neil Silberman, Donald B. Redford, Thomas L. Thompson, Keith Whitelam, Philip R. Davies and Ze’ev Herzog (head of Archeology department in Tel Aviv university, by the way) Continue reading

Large Hadron Collider Exposed: The Stargate Of Shiva

Galactic Human – According to researcher William Henry, the ancient Egyptian object named Ta-Wer (aka “Osiris” device), was a stargate machine capable of opening wormholes or dimensional openings used by Seth and Osiris to “travel across the underworld.”

cern Is CERN the new “Osiris Ta-Wer”? A modern stargate machine based on
ancient technology?

When work at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is completed in 2015, the collider will have twice the power and be able to unlock more of the universe’s mysteries. It will explore an entirely new realm of physics. With the LHC power doubled scientists will start looking for what they think is out there and they hope that something will turn up that no one had ever thought of.

Right now I almost can see in my mind a bunch of ATSers jumping in their chairs, in front of the computer and saying “Oh no, another weirdo going nuts about the LHC”

Well, just my two cents that, after reading what I’m sharing here some of you will stop thinking that the purpose of that gigantic device is to reproduce the primordial spark of the big-bang and start to figure out what really may be this project’s agenda.

Whether the LHC is or is not a stargate machine there is another very suspicious object, well known to ancient Egyptians, that may have had the same purpose as a collider: The Ta-Wer, meaning “The Eldest Land.”

The Ta-Wer is known among UFO researchers as “The Osiris Device.” According to mainstream scholars the Ta-Wer was only a mystic symbol that represented a connection between Abydos and some mythical place in the underworld, interpreted as the “Land of the Dead”. Continue reading

Hijacking History In Jews’ Unholy Books

Dr. Ashraf Ezzat – If fame and recognition is what you’re after, then the first thing you should do is spend a lot of time in the company of someone who is already famous and widely recognized. That would at least keep you near the spotlights for a while. You should also consider investing a lot of time learning new skills that might one day get you there.

But if you haven’t got what it takes to make you one day enjoy bathing in the spotlights on your own, then this is when you should consider cheating your way to fame and recognition.
What if I told you that you could actually cheat your way to fame and power and get away with it? As a matter of fact, if you know the name of the game and play your cards right, you’ll have no trouble deceiving a lot of people.

And if the Jewish and the Mormon scribes fooled everybody and got away with it, I see no reason why you can’t follow suit. But keep in mind that the name of the game for the Jews and the Mormons was ‘Egypt’

Few centuries before Christ, Judaism was not the universal religion we know it today. The spread of Judaism and the wide dissemination of the Israelite stories had actually been the result of a grand scale deception.

The ancient Yemenite tribe of Israelites

At the beginning it was not even referred to as Judaism; it was just one of ancient Arabia’s cults. Also the Israelites was one of the ancient Arabian tribes (mostly slaves) located in Northern Yemen.

Never did any Israelite set foot in ancient Palestine or Egypt. (Forget all the – concocted- Biblical stories you were fed/told happened in Palestine and Egypt)

Arabia had been a strategic land in the ancient world; for the ancient caravan trade had cut across its western coast. Continue reading

Secrets Of Egypt & Hidden Pyramid Symbols Revealed [Video]

The origins of ancient Egypt, hidden knowledge inside the pyramids, and the secret truth about Atlantis are detailed by Egyptologist John Anthony West.


Part 1

The meaning of the all-seeing eye, hieroglyphics, and how the design of the pyramids reflects the cosmic orientation of the stars is explored–as we delve into the truth about the ancient gods of Egypt in this uncensored Buzzsaw interview, hosted by Sean Stone Continue reading