Everything Is About Frequency. Your DNA Is The Ultimate Antenna

Josh Richardson –  Your entire existence…all matter, all life, all experiences–everything owes its existence in the physical world to frequency. Absolutely everything is frequency. You cannot have an experience on this planet without attracting it through frequency. Every emotion, including love and hate tunes into a specific frequency. Health has a frequency. Disease has frequency. Your organs are each tuned to a specific frequency as is your entire body which resonates at its own frequency.

You are a symphony of frequencies while you project yourself through this universe and create your physical reality. You are a master of your energy, and thus you are able to control everything you are, everything you do, everything you experience. From the day you are born until the day you die, nothing will ever change the fact that you are both a frequency emitter and receiver in flux with your internal and external environment.

DNA possesses two structural characteristics of fractal antennas, electronic conduction and self symmetry. Electrical conduction allows the movement of electrically charged particles within the body and that flow produces our life force. Continue reading

Why You Should Have a Himalayan Crystal Salt Lamp in Every Room of Your House

One of the best sources to buy real authentic Himalayan salt lamps is Fab Glass and Mirror salt lamps

saltCarolanne Wright – One of the most disruptive environmental toxins in our modern age, electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are difficult to dodge. Wifi and cellphones both generate this invisible menace, as do computers, televisions, cordless phones and microwave ovens. Cancer, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue, depression, headaches, miscarriage and thyroid malfunction are all linked with exposure to electromagnetic pollution.

While EMFs are nearly impossible to avoid, we can take steps to reduce the negative impact. One method is through Halotherapy — otherwise known as dry salt therapy.

Salt, Happiness and Health

For over a century, spending time in salt caves for their healing attributes has been a common practice in locations like Germany and Poland. Early on, it was noticed that salt miners didn’t suffer from the widespread respiratory illnesses of the day, which were running rampant. The miners also tended to be exceptionally happy. It wasn’t until science established salt is rich in negative ions that the reason behind their robust health and sunny outlook was finally discovered. In turn, Halotherapy was born.

Today, a variety of health issues are addressed through exposure to man made “salt caves — where a natural microclimate is created by dispersing a dry salt aerosol in high concentrations into a halo chamber, whose surface is covered with layers of salt.” [source] When the salt is inhaled, it travels throughout the respiratory system and absorbs excess moisture, clears mucus, reduces inflammation and kills bacteria. The therapy has also been shown to be effective for those with skin and digestive ailments, as well as those who struggle with stress, headaches, fatigue and mood disorders, according to a study published in the Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine.

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Electromagnetic Fields and Their Effect

Catherine J Frompovich – Can you see and feel its effects in the air?  Of course you can, but you don’t know how to identify it correctly!  It’s all around us like an ocean of electromagnetic frequencies that we are swimming in, which are pulsed out from many more sources than we can begin to imagine and, more confoundedly, not accept that they are causing damage to all living elements, especially young children who are most vulnerable.

I’m talking about electromagnetic fields (EMFs) or radiofrequencies (RFs), which have become so ubiquitous that we haven’t stopped to realize what’s been happening to us—especially children exposed to Wi-Fi in schools—and how trees [4] and other plant life are being damaged.

Where do these EMFs come from?

Microwaves that are emitted by cell phone and mast towers, cell phones, AMI smart meters for electric, natural gas and water utilities, microwave ovens, and all ‘smart’ appliances that contain ZigBee chips, which are two-way radio transmitters operating using microwave technologies.

Many people today are beginning to realize that they function in what they call a ‘fog’ and can’t figure out why.  They are run down with no energy and constantly enervated.  Does that sound like you or someone you know, especially your children?  Then think electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS). Continue reading