Good News From The Sun

electromagnetic wavesGreetings, dear ones. I am the Keeper of Time.

I join you on this magical day, for you have created magic already.  Just by coming together with your intent was enough to create a wave of energy, which is now starting to circulate planet Earth. It happens very quickly with intent. That’s the harmonization of all of your heart energies coming together as one, it’s magical because it replicates Home.

Now you’ve been moving so fast on planet Earth. Yes, it’s been very challenging. Part of the difficulty has been about this virus, but that’s not the part that we’re concerned about. We’re concerned about your separation, about having to live in completely different worlds. Sometimes that is the biggest challenge, because it’s very difficult for you to have the connection with other people when you’re completely engrossed in different worlds. Continue reading

DARPA, Electromagnetic Waves, And Air Crashes

EMF radiationJoseph P Farrell – When S.H. sent this along to me (and thank you!) I was at a bit of a loss when I saw the subject header of the email that accompanied it, but when I read the article, I knew why it drew S.H.’s attention. Get a load of this:

US Military Fears EMFs Are Causing Pilots to Crash

If that headline doesn’t grab your attention, perhaps this will:

The idea that electromagnetic fields (EMFs) can impact your brain function is not new, but a recently launched investigation by the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) really highlights the reality of such concerns. Continue reading