Washington Post Slammed Over Twitter Hit Piece

Washington Post Slammed Over Twitter Hit PieceJonathan Turley – Last week, there was another bombshell story by the Washington Post on the purported evil that is Elon Musk. Quickly amplified by MSNBC and other media, it was another hit job on Musk and could be viewed as what many in the media love to call “disinformation.”

Musk himself noted that the premise of the piece (that his tweets were artificially boosted during a recent period) was demonstrably false. Yet, the countervailing facts found little space in the long Post piece. None of that is particularly surprising.

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Musk, McCarthy and Jim Jordan Meet

Democrats Panic as Their Two Biggest Enemies Meet-Musk and McCarthy Join ForcesBo Dogan – We all know that Democrats are no friends to Elon Musk these days. After he took over Twitter, he ended the social network’s policy of censoring Americans’ free speech. But he went even further, exposing how the federal government colluded with Big Tech to violate our First Amendment rights.

It’s no secret that Republicans in the House have vowed to get to the bottom of this scandal. And the new House Speaker put together a committee that could bring down leftists. Now, Democrats are sure to flip out even more, after Elon took a visit to McCarthy’s office. And guess who joined them? Continue reading

Twitter Files: Don’t Get ‘Blackpilled’ [Video]

Twitter Files: Don't Get 'Blackpilled' [Video]Joe Martino – Are some of us stuck in an ever pessimistic rut about the state of the world that we can never see the possibility of change? How would we know if this was true or untrue about ourselves?

This question is important as we explore the Twitter Files because these revelations at hand are being made available by a billionaire with a ton of power and influence over society and culture. How are we to discern the actions of Elon Musk? Continue reading

Government by Gimmick Won’t Last

Government by Gimmick Won't LastJ.B. ShurkThe system’s too powerful!  You can’t beat a “big brother” police State!  The globalists control all the money and have all the leverage!  I’ve heard every reason under the sun why individual liberty will continue to lose out to the rapidly advancing technocratic surveillance structure extinguishing Western freedoms today.  I say, “So what?”  The bigger they come, the harder they fall.

Our whole human story is a repeating pattern in which power accumulates, empires emerge, power corrupts, divisions grow, and empires come crashing down.  Anyone who thinks an international oligarchy of corporate behemoths, central banks, and Intelligence Community spy chiefs will succeed where the Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Carolingian, Byzantine, Ottoman, Yuan, Ming, and British empires all failed makes the mistake of giving today’s power brokers more credit than they deserve. Continue reading

Trump Vax Quicksand, Musk Tweets Bioweapon, Rumors of War [Video]

Trump Vax Quicksand, Musk Tweets Bioweapon, Rumors of War Greg Hunter – President Donald Trump doubled down on his pro vax stance in a new interview this week.  It looks like Trump has waded into the vax quicksand, and it’s going to take him under if he doesn’t pull out soon. Even though host Wayne Root is firmly anti-CV19 vax, Trump told him the CV19 bioweapon/vax is a “miracle of modern science” and “saved millions of lives.”

Donald Trump cannot back up the claim this bioweapon saved “millions of lives” because bioweapons are designed to maim and kill. That is exactly what this CV19 injection has done and is still doing.  Sticking to his guns on the bioweapon passed off as a vaccine is so far afoul of the injury and death data is disturbing for a man who wants to be President again.

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