The coming months will bring enormous change

The coming months will bring enormous changeAilia Mira – Divine Ones, We greet you in love.

The energies of your world are increasingly present in higher harmonics. This elevated expression is coming about as the planetary field lifts and lifts too, the life on Earth that has come into resonance with these higher momentums of inner light and expansion.

More and more human beings are discovering their inner current. Their sense of Divine Timing and Divine Order that lies within and can guide them accurately and clearly in their lives. Continue reading

Full Moon In Scorpio ~ An Invitation To Emergence

Simon Vorster – A very pivotal point in the Pluto–Capricorn cycle is being called into our collective awareness and a radical shift in our spiritual awakening is taking place.

collectiveUp until this point in time, the awaking experience has lead us to feel very shaken up. We have experienced deep internal changes that have led us to begin dramatic life changes. Much of the past month has been about re-integrating one’s awakened self-back into the social (physical) realm, but is has also being about embodying the new higher aspects of our spiritual selves.

Now, much of the recent months’ events will begin to make more sense as we realize we have each begun a new spiritual journey. As the 2015 timeline unfolds in front of us, an invitation to emergence is on the table. We are half way through the Pluto–Capricorn cycle and although we may be feeling that the end is nowhere in sight, this (temporary) feeling is currently cloaking the huge collective change that has already happened when this cycle began back in 2008.

This is a time where we need to reflect on our progress and keep pushing for change, never giving into feelings of futility and lack of purpose. We are humanity and we are strong. Only healing the collective heart can lead to total metamorphosis.

Planetary alignments reflecting our collective evolution

Sun in Taurus Opposite Moon in Scorpio Square Jupiter in Leo.

There is quite a lot to mention about this alignment. Together with the other T Square going with Saturn, Mercury and Neptune there is quite a significant amount of internal shifting going on. We are clearly feeling paradigms and energies with in us shifting.

What I first noticed with this alignment is that our sense of needs and abundance (Taurus) are being brought into question. This awareness is a reflection how we are going about establishing our new way of life and actualizing ourselves into the physical realm.

So what is important right now? What are the essential resources around us that can aid us in moving forward in our lives? As we bring the current Full Moon’s energy into play, a big part of our focus now is to answer the question “How do we interact with one another and share resources and support without feeling we will not have enough?” A big driving force for us right now is whether we feel connected to the inspiration/motivation behind our choices. Are we manifesting our truth, or someone else’s? Continue reading