Emotional tidal pools 101

Gillian MacBeth Louthan – As life gets thicker and thicker it seems to entangle us limiting our personal choices, we come to a place of give in and give up, or get the heck out of dodge in our emotional daily events.  The struggle tightens the grip; the release relaxes what binds us. We have been soaring against strong winds for far to long, forgetting we filed the flight plan with our intentions.  We can change direction in mid- flight, becoming one with the winds, allowing that which has been against us to support us. So you chose, Victor or victim?


In these times of tumultuous change we are so busy surviving we have lost sight and emotional attachment to our dreams.  We are tired and thrash about in our emotional tidal pool. Some days we do not even try to swim thru all the bull.  When the winds of change come as they have lately, you can ride them soaring to new heights or allow them to keep your tired and exhausted fighting the force.

Many are all hanging on by tiny thread.  The coastlines of our lives have shifted and one can no longer walk upon the sands of the past, our soles/souls are just too tender.  The outcome of all action is multidimensional of nature and cannot be counted upon in this dimension.  Why Do you ride a wave of light that only touches the ‘low tide line’ of your imaginings?  If only you were to believe a little bit harder? Subscribe to that which houses all possibility.  The presence of magic is alive and lives in the heart of humanity. It can only be birthed by believing in that which cannot be seen.

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Relentless releasing

danaMrkichWhen strong astro influences come along we can feel like crawling underneath a blanket and never coming out. Lunar Eclipses especially, when they hit your chart, can feel like a pressure cooker of intense emotional energy bubbling up within you, pulsing and expanding until you feel you are about to explode – and you may well have experienced some volatile explosions lately as this eclipse is part of a Grand Fire Trine – not to mention on top of ‘don’t label me/don’t box me/don’t restrict me/i need freedom!’ Uranus!

These releases can feel relentless and ‘too much’, but ultimately we are being called to shed so much of what has been covering and clouding our eyes, minds and hearts. We are being called to see ourselves as we really are: free of old wounds and outdated beliefs, and to let go of these wounds and beliefs once and for all. As part of that process, our wounds and beliefs will flare up big time, becoming magnified, for the purpose of us addressing them and clearing them once and for all.

This is happening personally and collectively, globally and politically. Our awakening process is not something you do in your spare time after work, it is 24/7, and it is happening in one way or another to all on this planet at this time. It is playing out as activism, it is playing out as resistance, it is playing out as chaos and violence, it is playing out as greater calls for peace and justice. It is playing out in billions of ways, some difficult and some fabulous, but know that it is happening and that’s a good, long-awaited thing.

How are you all feeling?

(c) Dana Mrkich 2014

SF Source Dana Mrkich  Oct 6 2014

I’m Just Sayin…

“The architects have bred out of humanity, those troublesome traits like bravery, courage, and the willingness to defend ourselves from them.   Slaves.” -Chautauqua


The deeper we wander into this unknown country of the future, the more it resembles a battlefield.  This is part of the design, and a major indication that the architects endgame looms close now.

It hasn’t gotten to this point overnight; the design is a generational plan; of death by a thousand cuts and where ever we look we see the final pieces falling together for the architects, and falling apart for the rest of us.

There is a generalized and spreading malaise growing in the underbelly of civilized society; a kind of anxiety psychosis which results in people becoming rude, hostile and aggressive for no reason at all.  It’s a subconscious reaction to feeling helpless as the wheels come off and the architects drag us all towards Armageddon.

People who were already sketchy or borderline are now going full-goose-bozo; and the rest of us aren’t far behind them on any given day thanks to pacification technologies like chemtrails, GMO food-like-products, HAARP, GWEN, fluoride…see the list!!  It seems half the NFL is up on domestic violence charges with new offenders named nearly every day, some with their own video.  Continue reading