August 2021 Energy Report

energetic sovereigntyJennifer Hoffman – Welcome to August, the 8th month of the year and this month is full of surprises and new opportunities to expand our energetic sovereignty. Just remember that this doesn’t mean you can change the world, it means that you can use the energy to change your world. Our life path is created by the interaction of our thoughts, beliefs, actions and intention.

If you’re not living a life you love August energy may provide the clarity, confidence, and creativity you need to make course corrections. This month’s themes are energetic sovereignty, venerability, eminence, and majesty. In July we were at the starting line, this month we get to plot our course to the finish line. Continue reading

Energy Sovereignty is Your Free Will to Choose

Enjoy this month’s channeled message from Archangel Uriel.

Energetic sovereigntyJennifer Hoffman – Energetic sovereignty is often called ‘free will’ but it is more than that, it is the absolute freedom to choose any energy frequency to create any life path you wish, at any time.

This path is what you call your reality but it is actually an energy path that you have created, by your choice, for your energy to flow into and manifest that creation which you call your ‘reality’.

Everyone has energetic sovereignty and you must be aware of temptations, turning points, and distractions to maintain congruence with your highest energy potential and the sovereignty of your choices.

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