Weathering the Energetic Storm, Inside and Out

energies Christina Lavers – There have always been people sensitive to the subtle energies that permeate this reality. In the Western world however, the last few centuries have seen an abandonment of esoteric beliefs in favour of reason. Since that time, there has been a propensity to disparage anything that couldn’t be accurately documented and measured. Most people with the enigmatic faculty of energy sensitivity learned to keep their true natures hidden, especially during the witch-hunting times, when fear of the unknown fuelled a holocaust against practitioners of magic (which is just another way of saying energy workers). Even when conditions weren’t quite as dire, admitting to being tuned in to an aspect of reality to which most were oblivious could set a person up to be ostracised and ridiculed by those who fit comfortably into the mainstream.

The last few decades, however, have seen a considerable shift in this area – the growing number of us who can feel the energies know that they are escalating and are affecting everything they touch. What was once operating as a subtle current in the background is rapidly becoming an electrifying torrent of transformation.

Higher frequency energies are lighter, faster, and more fluid. The effect that bursts of these incoming energies are having on our world is that it is becoming less dense, resulting in a clearer, more flowing and more transparent reality. So much that was obscured from us in the past is gradually being revealed; through the cracks that appear in the old structures we glimpse something more real, more vital, and more eloquent.

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Oracle Report ~ Thursday, January 28, 2016

Sunrise Over Sausalito, California – Photo by Lawrence

Disseminating Moon in Virgo/Libra (10:00 am ET/3:00 pm UT): share, communicate

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Kali, Goddess of Endings and Beginnings

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Seth, God of the North, God of Enlightenment

Skill: attend to the wisdom of the day

Higher Octaves of the Day’s Energies: networking and connecting, expertise, the good of all, hopeful, ideals coming to fruition, stepping aside to observe, integration of a major teaching, new technologies, deepening connection and communication with spirit

Lower Octave of the Day’s Energies: subtle and overt manipulation, surveillance, trust issues, worry, meddling, lowest common denominators, feeling the need to prove one’s self, lack of care

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a hidden choir singing during a religious service” (unseen assistance)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres” (recalibration of consciousness)

The Moon moves into Libra, joining the Black Moon in that sign. This means that through Saturday, January 30 at 10:51 pm ET/Sunday, January 31 at 3:51 am UT, shadow sides (our fears and feelings) have a tendency to surface. If we are not aware of the natural inclination for this to happen, the common response is to project those feelings and fears onto others.

When the Moon goes through the sign that the Black Moon is moving through (the sign of Libra through the end of May), rebirth occurs through the purging of what is no longer needed, what is no longer true for us (as we currently understand it; truth evolves), and what is no longer bound to be. In other words, things are freed. Continue reading

Use the Dark to Shine the Light

lightJennifer Hoffman – This is an Archangel Uriel channeled message:  The aspects of energy that you can align with and integrate are expanding rapidly and as your awareness grows, you see and know many different kinds of energy. This can make you feel bewildered and confused, as you may expect to see only light or higher vibrations and outcomes and yet you are even more aware of what you call the darkness, fear, evil, and cruelty. Why do you  not only see the light and feel the highest vibrations? Because you need to see both light and dark, as the darkness is what you need to know to raise the light and it is your guide for the amount of light you can shine in the world.

With every energetic expansion awareness expands perception in all directions, so where you could have seen what was in front of you, you are now aware of that as well as everything around it. You see and know with greater clarity and fewer limitations. The price of this level of awareness is having greater levels of  non-judgment and discernment. You are not seeing the dark side of the world and humanity to cause you pain, you are seeing it so you can raise the light and know where to shine. Continue reading

Shift Your Life At Eclipse Season – New Energies, New Potentials

feelSelacia – Right now with a change of seasons in the air and a duo of powerful eclipses on the way, don’t be surprised if you sometimes feel scattered and like you are “in between” things. Change and energy shifts can be unsettling, to be sure. These natural cycles, however, can become amazing catalysts for the positive changes you want to create. In this article I describe what this can mean for you – and what you can begin doing right now in preparation.

Since cycles like season changes and eclipses happen annually, why would things feel either more unsettling or more intense in these moments? And why would you simply sense that the energies had been amplified several notches?

Why You Feel What You Feel

For one, you are not imagining things. There is a plethora of energy recalibration occurring. Most likely, because you are awake to your spiritual path and conscious of the planet’s mega shift, you are a “sensitive.” This means that you feel things more than the ordinary person still asleep to the bigger picture of things. It means that many times you sense energies even before they arrive! You are intuitive, after all, and like a cat that senses an earthquake seconds before it happens, you can anticipate things way before you have physical world validations. Continue reading

Effective Ways to Clear and Protect Against Negative Energy

Banu Sekendur – We live in a world of duality, and this means that we experience ‘good and bad’ as well as ‘right and wrong’. This yin-yang theory exists within and without. The reason why the Earth-plane is a great school for a soul’s expansion is this very reason; if there was no duality, there would be no pain, no joy, no variety and no growth.

There are people and energies we encounter that offer us the lessons we need while we walk our path here on Earth. At times, this fact simply points to learning how to work with, clear and protect against negative energy, and energy that just isn’t ours. Though this article is mostly intended for highly sensitive people (empaths and intuitives etc.) it applies to everyone walking on this planet. Anyone can be effected by others’ energies, especially during times of high-stress and transition. Sometimes we attract, receive, and absorb negative energies from people or from our environment. This is part of life, and going through those experiences – and learning to protect ourselves from them – help us expand as individuals and souls.

That’s the story I am sticking with for now anyway, but in this evolution, your guess is as good as mine…

What Are Some of the Signs That You Have Picked Up Negative Energies?

  • You may get dropped calls, or a sudden, passing static on your phone while speaking to someone at a location where you don’t normally have that experience.
  • You may start feeling depressed out of the blue (!) and you’re not clinically depressed.
  • Suddenly, you can’t log into your bank account (or any other online account) and keep getting an error message even though your internet connection seems to be strong.
  • You get extremely tired all of a sudden and feel the need to take a nap even though you are not sleep-deprived. Continue reading