The Expanded Sense of Who You Are

Notice the Expanded Sense of Who You Are - the Galactic DragonsAilia Mira – “The light within you continues to expand. And as it expands within you, it illuminates areas of your experience that might help you reconnect with who you truly are. It draws you to them. It propels your attention towards that which will awaken within you a greater appreciation of, and an understanding of the essence of your being.

This is done with incredible gentleness, and so much love. There is this profound knowing within All That You Are that if it can reveal to you insights, awareness, realizations… If it can assist you in making connections between experiences and your sense of Self, that there will be a way into a clearer, truer expression of who you really are here, with confidence, know how, and tremendous joy. Continue reading

Are Your Ultra-Spiritual Words Matching Your Actions?

wordsPaul Lenda“Like a beautiful flower full of color without fragrance, fruitless are the fair words of one who does not practice them.” This is one of the pearls of wisdom that Gautama Buddha left us in the Dhammapada. What it essentially means is that if you are just saying the “right” things that make you sound spiritual and enlightened, yet don’t reflect them in your actions, they’re not going to help you or anyone else.

If people see you are being a hypocrite due to saying one thing and doing another, your words will likely have the opposite effect. Think about how often there has been a well-known spiritual teacher or guru who has said something that sounds quite profound and insightful, yet then goes off and does something contradictory.

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