Energy Divorce and Energy Boundaries

energy divorceJennifer Hoffman – We all have relationships and life situations, past or present, where there is a definite energy misalignment between us and someone or something. You know what I’m talking about, those situations where you give and give and give and wait for a return on your investment. Or where you have high expectations of someone or something, you invest 100% of your time, energy, and effort, and nothing happens. Or where you take a stand for someone until they can use their own energy resources and they never seem to take that initiative.

We have a decision to make here – we’re either going to continue providing energy in this situation or we’re going to get an energy divorce.

It is very noble to act as others’ healers but it does come to a point where we need to look at the investment of our time, effort, and energy and the ROI (return on investment) we’re receiving and we come to a crossroads – something has to change because we can no longer continue to leak energy, drain our resources, and give to a situation that doesn’t give back to us. Continue reading