Judgments, Assumptions and Energy Drains

energy drainsJennifer Hoffman – In this week’s newsletter I share a video describing how our judgments and assumptions can lead us into the pathway of energy drains, leads, and focusing our energy on others when we really need to be more self-focused. We need all of our energy resources now as we make our own transitions into new energy dimensions and frequencies. But we cannot engage with the fear we’re leaving others out or behind – we are not and in fact, we cannot do that when we acknowledge their energy sovereignty which is the portal to their free will.

When I realized the former owner had left the house with a broken toilet handle I could assume 3 things about this:

They knew it was broken and didn’t have time to change it before they left the house. They didn’t know how to fix it and didn’t want to hire a plumber
It had been broken for so long that they were used to it and forgot that it was not working properly. Continue reading